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Q: How much money does a nuclear power plant make every year?
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Are protons involved in a nuclear power plant?

Protons are a part of every nucleus of every element, so they are involved in any nuclear reaction including nuclear fission.

Where is the Nuclear Fission Power plant in Alaska?

There is no nuclear power plant in Alaska.

How much money does it take to set up a nuclear power plant?

1 plant takes 30million dollares

What kind of fallout will we see from a nuclear power plant?

Nuclear Fallout comes from a nuclear power plant.

Where has nuclear fission been used?

Nuclear fission has been used in nuclear bombs and is currently being used in every nuclear power plant on the earth.

Where is the method of producing electricity from a nuclear power plant used?

In a nuclear power plant

What is the name of the nuclear power plant that expoded in 1986?

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Is a nuclear power plant same as nuclear power station?

Yes, it generally is but a nuclear plant could refer to nuclear reactors which are basically the things that produce the power. So in essence, yes, a nuclear plant is the same thing as a nuclear power station

When was Taishan Nuclear Power Plant created?

Taishan Nuclear Power Plant was created in 2013.

When was Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant created?

Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant was created in 1966.