one euro = 1.2276 USD
One Euro is worth 1.32 American dollar. However, the exchange rate varies from day to day. There was a time when one Euro was worth more than $1.5 American dollar.
As of today (01APR2011), 1 Euro is worth about 88 pence, or 0.88 pounds. One pound is worth about 1.13 Euro.
Germany uses the Euro. Currently the US dollar is worth about 0.86 Euro, but this varies with the exchange rate.
Spain uses the Euro as its unit of currency. One dollar is about .6965 euros today in May 2011.
one euro = 1.2276 USD
The one cent Euro coin is worth 0.6452 of an American cent.
One Euro is about 10 whole Chinese Yuans
As of today (01APR2011), One Botswanan Pula is worth about 0.11 Euro. One Euro is worth about 9.29 BWP.
One Euro is worth 1.32 American dollar. However, the exchange rate varies from day to day. There was a time when one Euro was worth more than $1.5 American dollar.
As of today (01APR2011), 1 Euro is worth about 88 pence, or 0.88 pounds. One pound is worth about 1.13 Euro.
One full euro is worth approximately 73 rupees, so one euro cent is worth 0.73 rupees.
Italy uses the Euro. One Euro is worth 1.33 USD as of May 1st, 2010.
I have one too, and I saw a 10 cent euro was $1.35
one euro is worth 1.2795 in the US.