.Increased imports from China.
Importing from China can be a very time consuming process. It involves looking for factories, filling out the proper customs paperwork, finding transportation from China to the US and from the US port to your warehouse. There is so much that also needs to be done in between, all the while making sure you have either an employee or a hired agent in China to oversee the process.
The price paid by consumers is increased.
No way, we get waaay more that We export from just china! think of all of the "made in china" products. And all the ds/dsi/dsiXL/3ds are all from japan!
The U.S. import and export ratio is a ratio of those respective values in relation to the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) value. When the import value exceeds the export value, a trade deficit exists. When the export value exceeds the import value, a trade surplus exists. Currently, the U.S. has sizable trade deficits with China and Japan.
China imports high technology products and services from the US.
The U.S.A imports most from China
Increase import from China
I Pod touch, cars, psps, toys
Many things in the US was imported from China.
China of course. Where everything is made. Have a nice day. =D
canada import form us and china and japan but us is our top trading partner that is where we get all of our cars and extra parts from we also get some clothes form ther.
one billion
They import at least 400,000,000 million$ worth of goods each year.
Apple won't, but Amazon will. But after carriage charges, import duty/tax etc. you may not be saving much.
around 82%