The rates change every day. Use this currency converter to calculate it.
30 dollars
one dollar worth 30 rublei
1 us dollar is worth 30 taiwanian dollars
In circulated condition it's worth about $15 A nice uncirculated one is worth about $30
Right now it is worth $1,000.
how much is 30 kg gold dust
Currently (as of 6/30/2009) it is worth about $387.
$3oo-350+ depending on condition
100-10000 USD depending on EXACTLY what you have.
Today 14th April 2010 it is worth $1,114,139.10 US dollars
I have a 18k, 30", diamond cut (rope) yellow gold chain.
If it is a solid gold one with solid gold bracelette, and is in near mint condition, it will be worth approximately £1000 - £1,200. If it is the gold plated version, it is worth very little, say £25 - £30 Hope this is helpful, Ray
About $350.00
Right now, $750. May be more or less by morning.
how much is a marlin 30-30 model 36A worth how much is a marlin 30-30 model 36A worth