A year 2000 coin from Canada is worth its face value. The rates change every day. Use this currency converter to calculate it.
It's worth $2
$21 to $44 depending upon the condition of the coin.
If your asking about a American Silver Eagle $1 bullion coin the current value is about $30.00.
This is not a coin made by the US mint. These coins generally have no collector value. If the coin is silver it will be worth more but if it is only silver plated with copper underneath it will be worth less.
It's still worth one dollar.
A Canadian $20.00 gold coin is worth around $400.00
Yes. The 2000-P Sacagawea dollar coin is worth one dollar.
It's still worth one dollar in Canada.
It's worth one dollar.
The paper dollar is worth about $5 in uncirculated condition -- the coin dollar is worth about $15 in uncirculated condition
It's worth one dollar.
It's still worth a dollar.
It is still worth 1 dollar
That's Sacagawea, not Pocahontas, and the coin is worth one dollar.