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3 cents. Post-WWII wheat cents are extremely common.

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Q: How much is a 1946 D copper wheat penny worth?
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What is the value of a 1946 D One Cent wheat head penny?

1946 D Lincoln / Wheat Ear Reverse (Wheat Penny) in very fine condition is worth $0.10, uncirculated is worth $2.00.

How much does a 1946 d wheat penny worth?

It's worth around 3 cents.

How much is a 1978 Lincoln Kennedy penny worth and a 1946 wheat penny worth?

A 1978 Lincoln-Kennedy penny is not considered rare or valuable to collectors and is typically worth face value. A 1946 wheat penny in circulated condition is worth around 10-20 cents, while one in uncirculated condition could be worth a few dollars.

What is a 1946 D silver wheat penny worth?

There is no such thing. Aluminum wheat pennies were made one year during the war due to the scarcity of copper. However, they were being made with copper by 1945. In circulated condition it has minimal value. In mint state it would be worth 25cents or so to a collector.

How much is a 1946 D wheat penny worth?

3 cents. Post-WWII wheat cents are extremely common.

What is a 1946 copper penny valued at?

It's a common coin, worth around 5-10 cents.

What the valve of 1946 penny and 1947 penny?

wheat pennies were made by the billion back then and are not worth more than 50 cents even uncirculated

How much is a 1946 wheat penny worth?

This is a very common date wheat cent, value is 2 to 3 cents.

What is value of 1946 penny?

Two cents for the copper.

Is a 1946 copper penny rare?

No, not at all, it's very common.

Copper 1946 penny w a silver colored nickel on back bonded together same size as a penny whats it worth?

Six cents. It's exactly what you described - two coins stuck together.

What is the value of a 1946 wheat on back penny?

So common most are worth 3 cents up to a dime for circulated coins with uncirculated coins at 50 to 75 cents