Currently, 30 Euros is equal to 23.8645816 British pounds.
About $295.90 dollars
As of September 4, 2013, 25 British Pounds is worth $39.04 in US Dollars. If you had 30 Euros they would be worth $39.59 in US Dollars so they would be worth more than the British Pound.
This will constantly change, but as I type this answer on the 17th of February, it is $37.22 for €30.
Just type in google (or your search engine 35 euros to pounds) Otherwise the answer is about 30 pounds Hope that this helps
Currently, 30 Euros is equal to 23.8645816 British pounds.
It is 30 pesos and kulang na pantaxi flagdown
On 12/30/2011 it is worth2,312.85175 Euros
30 euros
€200,000 is worth £169,690.17 as of 11:30 GMT on 05/01/11 - according to the XE currency web-site
$31,907,000 as of 19:30 BST on 22/10/2011 - according to XE currency conversion site.
30 euros
About $295.90 dollars
39 million
25.8 million pounds
30 million euros
As of September 4, 2013, 25 British Pounds is worth $39.04 in US Dollars. If you had 30 Euros they would be worth $39.59 in US Dollars so they would be worth more than the British Pound.