1 Indian rupee = 0.0191 US dollars
1 rupee is worth 2 US cents.
On May 14, 2014, when you convert 8,000 rupees into US dollars you get $133.58. The Rupee is used in India.
Today (July 20, 2009) the rupee is worth: 1.00 Indian Rupee = 0.02 US dollars 1.00 US dollar = 48.14 Indian Rupees
2500 Pounds = 4185.25 US Dollars
1 Indian rupee = 0.0191 US dollars
As of today (02APR2011), 1.8 Million Indian Rupee is worth about $40,504 US Dollars.
1 rupee is worth 2 US cents.
18 US Dollars = 810.07 Indian Rupee
About 0.02 US Dollars
18 US Dollars = 810.07 Indian Rupee
150 110.265
US $1 = Rs 44.4167 Rs1 = US $ 0.0225
2500 Vietnamese Dong converts to approximately 0.12 US Dollars.
Rs. 51
It's like 4.5 million dollars