Englan pound
it is Worth about 1 million pounds
As of today (01APR2011), 1 Egyptian Pound (EGP) is worth about 0.16 AUD. 1 AUD is worth about 6.19 EGP.
The worth on this day 12-14-11 would be $20.382 million USD The pound sterling was 15 ounced of silver. The ratio was 16 to 1 silver to gold. Today gold is $1588
As I type this the value of 1 pound of gold is $18,040.00
2,666 American dollars was what 1 pound of gold was worth in 1849
A pound is always worth exactly 1 pound in England.
The price of gold changes daily based on factors such as market demand and economic conditions. As of September 2021, the approximate value of 1 pound of gold is around $19,000 to $20,000 USD. It's best to check with a reputable source for the most current price.
1 pound of gold costs 26,400$ for 2012.
Englan pound
In 1912, a pound was worth about 87 ounces of what it is today.
1 pound sterling is worth about 1.19 Euros
Since the value of gold is by weight 1 lb of gold is worth more than 1/2 lb of gold by definition. The fact that there are more coins is irrelevant.
1 pound