China uses the yuan. About 7 yuan equal 1 US dollar. -glavanway
As of today (02APR2011), 1 Yuan is worth about $0.1527 US Dollars. $1.00 US Dollar is worth about 6.5 Yuan.
The rates change every day. Use this currency converter to calculate it.
It is $1 in us money
6.88169675 Chinese yuan ==
At the moment: 20000 Chinese Yuan equals 2901.75 US Dollar
1 US dollar is worth 6.3834 Chinese Yuan.
about 7 yuan is one us dollar
whats a one dollar Yi Yuan converted into US money
1944,10000 Yuan's in dollars is 30920132.8600 US dollars
About 15 US cents.
what is the literacy rate of china? what is the literacy rate of china?
They use the renminbi whose principal unit is the yuan. 1 US$ = 6,8 yuan
China uses the yuan. About 7 yuan equal 1 US dollar. -glavanway
As of today (02APR2011), 1 Yuan is worth about $0.1527 US Dollars. $1.00 US Dollar is worth about 6.5 Yuan.