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real estate agents enter the profession from all walks of life. Some become a real estate agent for the money, while others are attracted to the glamor, excitement and challenges of selling property. For many, a real estate career offers the opportunity to be your own boss, and that reason is a motivating factor for those who want to get out from under the thumb of corporate America.

How Much Does an Average Real Estate Agent Earn?Most first-year real estate agents earn very little, primarily because they are struggling to learn the business while they build a client base. As the years go by, agents can rely on referrals from satisfied clients to continue building their business.

According to, most real estate agents earn on average between $34,000 and $45,000 annually.

How much agents make depends on the number of transactions they complete, the commission paid to the brokerage and their split with the sponsoring broker.

How Real Estate Commissions are PaidApart from buyer broker agreements, which allow for direct payment to a buyer's broker, most real estate agents are paid through a listing agreement, which is signed by the seller and the listing agent. The agent signs on behalf of the brokerage.

The listing agent then shares part of that commission with the agent who represents the buyer. All real estate commissions are negotiable, and are paid directly to the broker, not the agent. Agents work for the broker. Typically, it is the seller who designates how much the buyer's agents are paid.

A listing commission can vary from 1% to 10% or more of the sales price. Let's look at an example of how much a listing agent earns if the commission paid is 7%, with a 50% split with the brokerage who produces the buyer.

Say the sales price is $200,000. The total commission at 7% would be $14,000, of which $7,000 is retained by the listing brokerage. From that $7,000, the listing agent is paid on a split, which on average is around 60% for a first-year agent.

This means the agent would gross $4,200. After deducting federal and state taxes, which could amount to 30% or more, the agent would net about $2,940. The agent also pays overhead and expenses, which could eat up another 20% of the gross, resulting in a net income of $2,100.

Contrary to popular belief, most real estate agents sell only 4 to 6 homes a year. The saying is 20% of the agents do 80% of the business. In the example above, an agent who comprises part of the 80% category (that wins 20% of the business) would gross about $18,000 a year.

Earned Income Varies Among Types of Real Estate AgentsTop producers earn a lot more than the average real estate agent. Each real estate office sets its own standards for top producers, but it's probably safe to say that a top producer would need to sell at least one home a month to qualify. Mega-stars earn $200,000 per year and up.

Some agents have formed teams and hire other agents to work for the team. Typically, in this type of arrangement, the team leader earns credit for each sale, even if the team member originated the transaction. Most team leaders are strong listing agents.

Discount real estate brokers have to sell more property than a traditional full-service real estate brokerage to earn the same amount of money. What discount brokers may sacrifice in service is made up by quantity of transactions.

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How do real estate business make their money?

In some cases, real estate agents are employed by, and paid a salary by, their broker.

How much does a real estate investors make?

Real estate investors are paid per deal, and depend upon the cost of the transaction. The average salary for commercial real estate is $50,000 above.

Who pays for the real estate agent?

Some real estate agents are paid through commission. While some have a fixed salary that they get whenever they sell or not, with commission as well whenever they are able to close a deal. The subject of salary for real estate agents actually depend on the system that they are into. Are they independent agents? Are they working under a brokerage? A real estate company? Etc.

How much money do real estate agents earn?

Answer The median annual earnings of salaried real estate agents in the U.S., according to the Department of Labor was $30,930 in 2002. This is including commissions. Median annual earnings of salaried real estate brokers, including commission, was $50,330 in 2002. Commissions on sales are the main source of earnings of real estate agents and brokers. The rate of commission varies according to whatever the agent and broker agree on, the type of property, and its value. The percentage paid on the sale of farm and commercial properties or unimproved land usually is higher than the percentage paid for selling a home. Answer There's a huge variation in income among Real Estate agents, because earnings are based entirely on how much you sell. Some agents who advertise heavily earn well above $100,000 year after year, while some full-time agents earn as little as $12,500 per year. Real Estate remains an excellent field for women, who earn an average of 96% of their male counterpart's salary, compared to 78% for all industries. According to a 2005 survey by the National Association of Realtors, sales associates average $38,300 per year. This figure is down from 2002, largely due to the high number of new members. Experience pays in the real estate field, with sales associates who've been in the business between 6 and 10 years averaging $57,100 and those with over 26 years experience averaging $83,400. Brokers, who've normally been in the business longer and own their own firms, saw larger gains - a median of $86,000 while brokers who also sell earned $82,200. Broker associates (who have a Broker's license but don't own the firm) earned an average of $67,900. Bear in mind that NAR members probably represent a slightly more qualified group than real estate agents in general, and therefore may earn a bit more

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can executive of an estate do whatever she can?

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What are real estate agents paid?

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