as much as the meat out of it as you can sell.
not much maybe 2.50 to 3 dollars a hour
The amount of money that elk farmers make per year varies based on various factors. On average, they will make about $82,000 per year.
570 dollars average
We are aware of mad cow disease
You cannot make a cow. Feed is to be fed to a cow, not to make one.
A ... Cow..!!!
Send a cow was setup in 1988 by a group of united Kingdom dairy farmers.
It depends on what they produce and how much they produce.
as much as the meat out of it as you can sell.
not much maybe 2.50 to 3 dollars a hour
A cow that is specifically used by farmers for producing milk that they sell. Dairy farming is just one type of cattle farming. Different types of farmers use different types of cattle for their farms.
mostly farmers, fisherman, cow herders, and horse whisperes
cow pat all 1 word