India has a mixed economy in that there is private property and companies that produce products for the benefit of profit. There are many business regulations in India, this combined with the above places India as a mixed economy country.
As per the details given by there are 584 SEZ in India.
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What to produce? A nation must determine what good or services that they want to produce. How many and when?How to produce? Who will do the production, the resources and what production techniques they will use.For whom to produce? Who will gets the services and who will buy the goods produces.
to produce enough goods to meet demand while making a profit
It takes roughly 2 to 3 meters of sugar cane to produce one teaspoon of sugar. The cane is crushed to extract its juice, which is then processed and refined to produce sugar.
Rum gets its sugars to distill from sugar cane.
Sugar Cane is regular sugar before it is processed or ground up. Many food scientists suggest the less processed a food, the better it is for you. Using this criterion, sugar cane is less processed and thus a little better for you.
white cane sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, molasses is a sugar
Sugar cane is widely grown in warm climates, including many countries in the Caribbean, South America, and Hawaii. It comes from a wide range of countries
yes. many
there are 37 species of sugarcane.
due to polyploid nature no of chromosomes are not fixed, though they might be 20-128.
More than 110 countries grow sugar cane or sugar beets
Many countries in Africa grow sugar, including Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, and Mauritius. These countries have suitable climates for cultivating sugar cane, which is the primary source of sugar production in the region.
Sucrose is a type of sugar that is found in many plants but extracted as ordinary sugar mainly from sugar cane and sugar beets.
Generally two, either corn syrup or cane sugar