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12 nations began using the euro

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Q: How many nations in the Europe union began using the euro as their common currency beginning in 2002?
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What is the common currency of Europe?

It is the euro.

When was the common currency of the EU introduced?

The common currency of Europe was first introduced on Jan 1, 2002

What is the common currency introduced among 11 European nations?

euroThe common currency for the European Union (EU) is the Euro (EUR).

What is a economic supranation in Europe which shares a common currency?

This is a group of nations that use the euro as their common currency. It is not one but several. In alphabetical order they are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain

Which is the common currency of European?

In Europe most countries use the Euro, but others have their own currency such as the UK

What is the best way to get Europe to unite?

Europe is all ready united. They have a common currency and open borders.

What is the Middle Eastern countries' currency?

Each Middle Eastern country has a unique currency. Unlike Europe or Central Africa, there is no common Middle Eastern currency.

What is the story behind the type of currency used in Europe today?

The nations of Europe decided in 1957 to form the European Economic Community (EEC) and from this, the idea of the European Union with no border control, a common central government and the same standards. It also needed ONE currency. That currency became the "Euro". On 1 January 2002 the "Euro" replaced the old national currencies. The currency has become extremely strong, the exchange rate in April 2009 is $1.30 to €1.

Convert European money into us currency?

The US dollar is equal to 0.738934457 Euros. Euros are the common form of currency in Europe.

What do you call the money of Europe?

There is no one money in Europe. 26 countries use the Euro (symbol '€') as a common currency. All the countries in Europe (with the exception of Liechtenstein) have their own individual currencies.

Why do they call french money euro?

the euro is a common currency across much of EUROpe.

How is the common currency is related to the geography of Europe?

I am not sure you can relate a common currency to the geography of any place. A common currency allows easy trading. Geography can affect trading, by making it either difficult or easy to trade between point A and B.