infastructure is linked to economic groth because it increases economic productivity and enhances economic income level .
Infrastructure economy and army
Financial turmoil in Asia manifests the extent to which nations and regions are linked in a global economy.
The most important driver for economic growth is infrastructure. If a country has a sound infrastructure then businesses will come and increase the economy.
Infrastructure means the basic facilities which are necessary for the development of a nation. Economic infrastructure is the combination of basic facilities which is helpful in economic development of an economy and businesses. It includes facilities of telecommunication, electricity, transportation, energy etc. Social infrastructure is the combination of basic facilities which are necessary for human development. It includes health (hospitals), education (school, colleges etc.) and housing. Both of these infrastructures are complementary to each other and are necessary for the overall development of an economy.
infrastructure and jobs
Infrastructure economy and army
The economy consists of the exchanging goods, productions, and services among a group of people; infrastructure is the basic support system needed to keep an economy going.
Financial turmoil in Asia manifests the extent to which nations and regions are linked in a global economy.
infrastructure means all kind of construction activities which helps a country to grow its economy
Suck my nectorines
1) Help the economy
Manufacturing output, Infrastructure Builds and consumption are the some of the main components of China's economy and GDP growth.
Simple....the internet, and infrastructure
infrastructure and jobs
Iraq has a market economy, but due to the lack of strong infrastructure, a traditional economy prevails in many of the outlying areas.
The most important driver for economic growth is infrastructure. If a country has a sound infrastructure then businesses will come and increase the economy.