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Nike sells goods made from countries around the world and they are sold in countries around the world.

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Q: How is globalisation linked with fashion industry?
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how does fashion industry works?

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Since the metal forming industry is linked so closely to the automotive industry, growth in the industry is closely linked to the health of domestic car manufacturers.

What are the Major segments of the fashion industry?

1)media2)clothing fashion 3)Anthropological 4)fashion industry

What are linkage industries?

A linkage industry is an industry that depends on other industry for its output in order to provide goods and services.

When did miuccia Prada start a fashion industry?

Miuccia started the fashion industry in 1970/1978!!

How the global fashion industry has made countries interdependent?

as you know there are two names for a country, it is either LEDC or MEDC LEDC=less economically developed country ( mexico,india, brazil, africa ) MEDC=more economically developed country (england, n.america, france ) and when it ccomes to fashion or trade or genral "globalisation" the countries rely on each other for goods. FASHION INDUSTRY- they rely on the low prices of raw material and cheap labour prices. (sweat shops ) FOOD INDUSTRY-they rely on shipping, and food prices around the world.

What has the author K Natoli written?

K. Natoli has written: 'Globalisation of European automotive components industry'

What are the components of globalisation?

Components of globalisation are as follows: 1. globalisation of market 2. globalisation of production 3. globalisation of technology 4. globalisation of investment

What are some demands of fashion in fashion industry?

nothing really its a hard industry to get into it all depends on who you know

Is the fashion industry lead by Korea?

The fashion industry is not lead by Korea, but it is influenced by them. In fact, with a constant change of fashion, it should only be a matter of time before Korea leads the fashion industry, though it might only be for a short time.