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Q: How generally bears most of a sales tax when the demand for the good taxed is inelastic?
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Who generally bears most of a sales tax when the demand for a good taxed is inelastic?

the consumer

Who generally bears most of a sales tax when the demand of the good taxed is inelastic?

the consumer

Who generally bears most of a sales tax when the demand for the good taxed is inelastic?

the consumer

What is the demand for coffee elastic or inelastic at -2?

Coffee is inelastic, based on the high number of people who enjoy, and believe they can't get along without coffee, it's demand will remain high. Pricing changes won't seriously influence sales.

What is expected demand?

Answer Scarcity causes demand and demand establishes a market, ultimately the sales increase. I think that 'increase of sales' is the expected demand.

If you were a business owner how would you use price elasticity of demand to determine?

"Price Elasticity of Demand" is a measure of how much the demand for a good or service changes when the price changes. For example, most of us drive our cars to work. We drive our cars to work whether the price of gasoline is $1.50 a gallon or $3.95 a gallon. The demand is "INELASTIC" or not changing, no matter what happens to the price. Some people can cut back our leisure driving, or carpool, or take public transit - but others cannot. Truck drivers can't stop when diesel fuel gets too expensive. Movie ticket prices are inelastic; ticket prices have gone from $3 to $5 to $8 to $10 without affecting ticket sales. Airplane tickets, on the other hand, are fairly elastic; when the price goes up, the demand goes down. Once you figure out what the price elasticity is for your product, you can figure out how to maximize your profits by either raising prices if the price is inelastic, or CUTTING prices to increase sales if the price is very elastic.

Relationship between market demand market potential and sales forecasting?

demand forecasting is crucial for sales forecast

What is sales budgeting and why is it important?

Sales budgeting is the starting point of budgeting process as in sales budget first of all the sales demand is determined and after that all other budgets are prepared to fulfill that demand.

What is Demand Estimation?

Demand Estimation is the art of forecasting firm sales.

What are clearance sales a sign of?

a rise in demand

A good goal for a product?

Products generally have the same goal(s) 1. Quality 2. Usefulness 3. Sales 4. Profit The lower the cost to produce, the more profit, the better the quality, the higher the demand, more sales.

If the price elasticity of demand for cable TV connections is high for example greater than 1.5 and the price elasticity of demand for movies shown in theatres is less than 1 what strategy would use?

strategy to do what? movies in theater are inelastic meaning that if you increase or decrease price it wouldn't effect the demand as much, (just like the price of gas if it increases it wont have a big impact on the sales of gas). cable tv is elastic so if the price for it is increase demand curve will shift to the left( it will drop).