if you are a student you can get a loan through ffa. which will give you the money to but a cow or a sheep. and with the money you make from the sheep or cow. you pay back and you will get more money for the loans the next year until you make enough money to be self efficient.
Because people want to make money without all the responsibility.
they get a job and make money and buy food and a house and lots of other stuff
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Just about any way Wyoming makes money
by selling fish
The State of Wyoming gets much of its money from state sales and use taxes and from licenses and fees. The people of Wyoming get their money in many ways including oil and coal mining, ranching, and tourism.
Cows in Wyoming make milk.
people make a living in Wyoming by doing good deeds like we do on this earth
Since Wyoming is a US state, US Currency is used as in dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, and penny.
Wyoming produces more coal than any other state. Wyoming produces a whole lot of natural gas also. These industries are so big in Wyoming that the state does not have a state income tax for citizens.
While looking on a map, Wyoming looks square. And it is relatively square, but not it is not a perfect square. On the North East corner of Wyoming there is two triangular peices of land which make Wyoming not a square.
Wyoming state senators receive $150 day plus per deim as of 2010.
750 an hour