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How do you believe you have honored agreements within the scope of individual responsibilities How do you believe you have honored agreements within the scope of individual responsibilities

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What is a 1788 us quarter with 2000 at the bottom worth?

As you can see from the other State Quarters in your pocket change, ALL of them have the minting date at the bottom, while the date at the top is the year that state joined the Union. All five designs issued in 2000 honored states admitted in 1788, and none are rare. Feel free to spend any that you found in change.

What is the quasi bank?

from what I've learned from law, quasi means "as if" so if you put that first word (quasi) to other it means almost but not exactly same. quasi- combining form meaning "resembling," "having some, but not all of the features of," used in the formation of compound words: a quasi contract, an implied contract, an obligation which has arisen from some act, as if from a contract; a quasi corporation, a body that has some, but not all, of the peculiar attributes of a corporation; a quasi argument, that which resembles, or is used as, an argument; quasi historical, apparently historical, seeming to be historical. so if the term is a quasi-bank, i think that the rules and objectives of that are the same like the commercial bank, but this thing are only in effect to someone (a group) who has agree/join on this agreement. as if a bank, but not the one honored to do business for public.

How much would one dollar in 1931 be worth today?

If you mean $1.50, it was worth $1.50 in the 1930s.If you mean how much it would be worth today allowing for inflation, that's a much more difficult question. The CPI has gone up at least 20- or 30-fold since then but it's very hard to compare prices since so much has changed. For example, some foods that were once comparatively cheap are now expensive, and vice versa. One measure would be that it bought about 7 or 8 gallons of gasoline, which would cost around $20 today. It would have paid for 30 bus rides in most cities, versus one today. At the post office it would have let you mail 50 letters, which would cost $20 today.On the other hand you have to compare quality and technology, too. $1.50 would have purchased 3 or 4 78-rpm records each holding 2 songs, so you could try to match that to the cost of say 15 or 20 songs on a CD or 6 iTunes downloads. However, the 78s would last through about a hundred playings before wearing out, they broke really easily, couldn't be copied or put on a portable player, were mono and had a frequency response from around 100 to 6000 Hz, so the quality difference is far greater than the price difference.CommentPostal rates and gasoline prices are two commonly cited examples of inflation, but their price behavior is so badly skewed by non-market influences that they should probably be excluded from any inflation analysis, IMHO. For instance, a first-class postage stamp in 1863 cost $.03. The same stamp in 1958 cost $.03. Today, the first-class stamp costs forty-some cents, but it's a number that inflates so often that no one can keep up with it, and even the US Postal Service has begun to issue "Forever" stamps, bought at a current rate, but honored through subsequent rate hikes. One might speculate that issuing "Forever" stamps is more cost-effective than printing and handling billions of one-cent "add-on" stamps. But it's hard to ignore the fact that the US Postal Service is so addicted to rate hikes that it has memorialized them in the form of "Forever" stamps.As for gasoline, the market changed completely with the rise of OPEC. Until then, gas could be had at the pump in the US for a quarter a gallon. After, it's been a wild ride.The main point is this: non-market influences have governed the rises and falls of these two prices, and many others.In the case of the postage stamp, market influences don't even enter the arena. The US Postal Service is a branch of the US federal government, and thus is not examined for profitability. Like all government enterprises, it is expected to lose money, and does so with alacrity and dependability.In the case of oil/gas prices, they have been artificially manipulated since the early 1970s, when the Middle Eastern oil-producing nations figured out that they had a virtual stranglehold on the rest of the world, and could charge practically any price they wanted for their oil. A barrel of crude that sold for pennies in 1965 now sells for $90.

How can currency be stable What should government do to stabilize currency How can be used gold and other valued metal to keep currency strong how can be used reserve?

While a prevalent majority of purported economists will attempt to assert otherwise, even the relative value of a purported precious metal monetary standard will fluctuate in response to a variety of systemic conditions, including relative cost of its further production or demand for its use; and in fact, 1) since there is no fixed linkage between monetary units specified by a standard and other things of value, it is impossible for a standard such as the purported gold standard to endow currency with a stable practical value. Furthermore, a finite resource such as gold has no capacity whatsoever 2) to sustain commerce requiring a circulation exceeding such a monetary standard; or 3) to avert further consequences which may affect the relative value of a currency, such as multiplication of debt by interest. That is (3), merely to maintain a circulation subject to interest, it is necessary to perpetually re-borrow what we pay against principal and interest obligations. Payments against principal effectively then cannot pay down the sum of debt, as they must be re-borrowed back into circulation as subsequent debts equal to the former sum of debt. But as payments against interest obligations count none against former debt and are necessarily re-borrowed then as new debt above the previous sum of debt, thus the sum of debt increases in proportion to the circulation by so much as periodic interest on debt. This perpetual multiplication of debt in proportion to the circulation has numerous effects, including effects on value or spendability. Ever more of a circulation is inherently devoted to servicing the ever greater sum of debt; and ever less of the circulation therefore can be devoted to sustaining the commerce which nonetheless is responsible for servicing the debt. Thus within the units of a currency subject to interest, there is a constant transformation of what proportions of the unit are devotable to each, with what can be devoted to sustaining commerce constantly deteriorating. Eventually even, a sum of debt is engendered which demands the entire circulation to service it, leaving nothing to sustain commerce. Obviously, this inherent transformation affects the application of any definition of "value" or "stability" for currency subject to interest; and in fact establishes not only that it is impossible to enjoy stability from a currency subject to interest, but that interest is ultimately terminal to the purported monetary system. Therefore a stable currency cannot be subject to interest. Neither can an honored, finite monetary standard assert stability or sustain commerce exceeding its finite limitations (as in any case imposed upon a gold standard, where a circulation is required in excess of the standard). A stable currency must overcome these imposed problems or limitations. Thus it must be available or circulate in quantities equal to our production if it is to provide a stable value related to the production for which it is issued. There is one and one only prescription for such a currency. That is, the only prescription which preserves the original value of a currency throughout the life or its circulation is to finance new production with notes which are not subject to interest, the value of which is fixed directly to the related assets by paying off the note at the rate of depreciation or consumption (which must be understood to be equivalent). Thus in the case of a $100,000 home with a hundred year lifespan, a debt equal to the original value of the home is paid off at the overall rate of $1,000 per year, or $83.33 per month. Only by said prescription is there no inflation or deflation, because the circulation is constantly equal to the remaining value of the asset. Nor is there a need for an alternate "monetary standard" (which only intends to ensure ineffectively against a contrary, defective system, that the money can be redeemed), because at all times and for every case of such a mathematically perfected economy™ (, every dollar is redeemable in the very thing of value it is intended to represent. Not only so; only in such a case can we the subjects of the system procure for our own labors whatever we deem to be an equal measure of the work of others.

What are 3 uses of gold besides jewelry?

The Many Uses of GoldOf all the minerals mined from the Earth, none is more useful than gold. Its usefulness is derived from a diversity of special properties. Gold conducts electricity, does not tarnish, is very easy to work, can be drawn into wire, can be hammered into thin sheets, alloys with many other metals, can be melted and cast into highly detailed shapes, has a wonderful color and a brilliant luster. Gold is a memorable metal that occupies a special place in the human mind.When Spanish explorers first arrived in the "New World" they met the native South Americans. These two cultures had been separated by a vast ocean, they had never touched one another, they spoke different languages and lived entirely different lives. Yet they had one thing in common - they both held gold in highest esteem and used it to make some of their most important objects.Throughout the history of our planet almost every established culture has used gold to symbolize power, beauty, purity and accomplishment. Today we continue to use gold for our most significant objects: wedding rings, Olympic medals, Oscars, Grammys, money, crucifixes and ecclesiastical art. No other substance of the same rarity holds a more visible and prominent place in our society.Jewelry: The Primary Use of GoldThe production of ornamental objects was probably the first use of gold over 6000 years ago. Gold is found in the pure state, is very easy to work and was probably the first metal used by humans. Today, most of the gold that is newly mined or recycled is used in the manufacture of jewelry. About 78% of the gold consumed each year is used in the manufacture of jewelry.Special properties of gold make it perfect for manufacturing jewelry. These include: very high luster; desirable yellow color; tarnish resistance; ability to be drawn into wires, hammered into sheets or cast into shapes. These are all properties of an attractive metal that is easily worked into beautiful objects. Another extremely important factor that demands the use of gold as a jewelry metal is tradition. Important objects are expected to be made from gold.Pure gold is too soft to stand up to the stresses applied to many jewelry items. Craftsmen learned that alloying gold with other metals such as copper, silver, and platinum would increase its durability. Since then most gold used to make jewelry is an alloy of gold with one or more other metals.The alloys of gold have a lower value per unit of weight than pure gold. A standard of trade known as "karatage" was developed to designate the gold content of these alloys. Pure gold is known as 24 karat gold and is almost always marked with "24K". An alloy that is 50% gold by weight is known as 12 karat gold (12/24ths) and is marked with "12K". An alloy that contains 75% gold by weight is 18 karat (18/24 = 75%) and marked "18K". In general, high karat jewelry is softer and more resistant to tarnish while low karat jewelry is stronger and less resistant to tarnish - especially when in contact with perspiration.Alloying gold with other metals changes the color of the finished products (see illustration at right). An alloy of 75% gold, 16% silver and 9% copper yields yellow gold. White gold is an alloy of 75% gold, 4% silver, 4% copper and 17% palladium. Other alloys yield pink, green, peach and even black colored metals.Financial Gold - Coinage, Bullion, Currency BackingBecause gold is highly valued and in very limited supply it has long been used as a medium of exchange or money. The first known use of gold in transactions dates back about 6000 years. Early transactions were done using pieces of gold or pieces of silver. The rarity, usefulness and desirability of gold make it a substance of long term value. Gold works well for this purpose because it has a high value, is durable, portable and easily divisible.Some early printings of paper money were backed by gold held in safe keeping for every unit of money that was placed in circulation. The United States once used a "gold standard" and maintained a stockpile of gold to back every dollar in circulation. Under this gold standard, any person could present paper currency to the government and demand in exchange an equal value of gold. The gold standard was once used by many nations but it eventually became too cumbersome and is no longer used by any nation.The gold used as a financial backing for currency was most often held in the form of gold bars, also known as "gold bullion". The use of gold bars kept manufacturing costs to a minimum and allowed convenient handling and storage. Today many governments, individuals and institutions hold investments of gold in the convenient form of bullion.The first gold coins were minted under the order of King Croesus of Lydia (a region of present-day Turkey) in about 560 BC. Gold coins were commonly used in transactions up through the early 1900's when paper currency became a more common form of exchange. Gold coins were issued in two types of units. Some were denominated in units of currency, such as dollars, while others were issued in standard weights, such as ounces or grams.Today gold coins are no longer in wide use for financial transactions. However, gold coins issued in specific weights are popular ways for people to purchase and own small volumes of gold for investment. Gold coins are also issued as "commemorative" items. Many people enjoy these commemorative coins because they have both a collectable value and a precious metal value.Uses of Gold in ElectronicsThe most important industrial use of gold is in the manufacture of electronics. Solid state electronic devices use very low voltages and currents which are easily interrupted by corrosion or tarnish at the contact points. Gold is the highly efficient conductor that can carry these tiny currents and remain free of corrosion. Electronic components made with gold are highly reliable. Gold is used in connectors, switch and relay contacts, soldered joints, connecting wires and connection strips.A small amount of gold is used in almost every sophisticated electronic device. This includes: cell phones, calculators, personal digital assistants, global positioning system units and other small electronic devices. Most large electronic appliances such as television sets also contain gold.One challenge with the use of gold in very small quantities in very small devices is loss of the metal from society. Nearly one billion cell phones are produced each year and most of them contain about fifty cents worth of gold. Their average lifetime is under two years and very few are currently recycled. Although the amount of gold is small in each device, their enormous numbers translate into a lot of unrecycled gold.Use of Gold in ComputersGold is used in many places in the standard desktop or laptop computer. The rapid and accurate transmission of digital information through the computer and from one component to another requires an efficient and reliable conductor. Gold meets these requirements better than any other metal. The importance of high quality and reliable performance justifies the high cost.Edge connectors used to mount microprocessor and memory chips onto the motherboard and the plug-and-socket connectors used to attach cables all contain gold. The gold in these components is generally electroplated onto other metals and alloyed with small amounts of nickel or cobalt to increase durability.Use of Gold in DentistryHow would iron work as a dental filling? Not very well... your dentist would need blacksmithing tools, your smile would be rusty a few days after a filling and you would need to get used to the taste of iron. Even at much higher expense, gold is used in dentistry because of its superior performance and aesthetic appeal. Gold alloys are used for fillings, crowns, bridges and orthodontic appliances. Gold is used in dentistry because it is chemically inert, nonallergenic and easy for the dentist to work.Gold is known to have been used in dentistry as early as 700 B.C. Etruscan "dentists" used gold wire to fasten replacement teeth into the mouths of their patients. Gold was probably used to fill cavities in ancient times;, however there is no documentation or archaeological evidence for this use of gold until a little over 1000 years ago.Gold was much more generously used in dentistry up until the late 1970's. The sharp run-up of gold prices at that time motivated the development of substitute materials. However, the amount of gold used in dentistry is starting to rise again. Some motivation for this comes from concerns that less inert metals might have an adverse effect on long-term health.Medical Uses of GoldGold is used as a drug to treat a small number of medical conditions. Injections of weak solutions of sodium aurothiomalate or aurothioglucose are sometimes used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Particles of a radioactive gold isotope are implanted in tissues to serve as a radiation source in the treatment of certain cancers. Small amounts of gold are used to remedy a condition known as Lagophthalmos, which is an inability of a person to close their eyes completely. This condition is treated by implanting small amounts of gold in the upper eyelid. The implanted gold "weights" the eyelid and the force of gravity helps the eyelid close fully.Radioactive gold is used in diagnosis. It is injected in a colloidal solution that can be tracked as a beta emitter as it passes through the body. Many surgical instruments, electronic equipment and life-support devices are made using small amounts of gold. Gold is nonreactive in the instruments and is highly reliable in the electronic equipment and life-support devices.Uses of Gold in AerospaceIf you are going to spend billions of dollars on a vehicle that when launched will travel on a voyage where the possibility of lubrication, maintenance and repair is absolutely zero, then building it with extremely dependable materials is essential. This is exactly why gold is used in hundreds of ways in every space vehicle that NASA launches.Gold is used in circuitry because it is a dependable conductor and connector. In addition, many parts of every space vehicle are fitted with gold-coated polyester film. This film reflects infrared radiation and helps stabilize the temperature of the spacecraft. Without this coating, dark colored parts of the spacecraft would absorb significant amounts of heatGold is also used as a lubricant between mechanical parts. In the vacuum of space, organic lubricants would volatilize and they would be broken down by the intense radiation beyond Earth's atmosphere. Gold has a very low shear strength and thin films of gold between critical moving parts serves as a lubricant - the gold molecules slip past one another under the forces of friction and that provides a lubricant action.Uses of Gold in Awards and Symbols of StatusWhat metal is used to make the crown worn by a king? Gold! This metal is selected for use because gold it is THE metal of highest esteem. It would make no sense to make a king's crown out of steel - even though steel is the strongest metal. Gold is chosen for use in a king's crown because it is the metal associated with highest esteem and status.Gold is associated with many positive qualities. Purity is another quality associated with gold. For this reason, gold is the metal of choice for religious objects. Crosses, communion ware and other religious symbols are almost always made with gold for this reason.Gold is also used as the first place winner's medal or trophy in almost any type of contest. First place winners at the Olympic Games are given gold medals. The Academy Awards Oscars are gold awards. Music's Grammy Awards are made of gold. All of these important achievements are honored with awards made of gold.Uses of Gold in GlassmakingGold has many uses in the production of glass. The most basic use in glassmaking is that of a pigment. A small amount of gold suspended in the glass when it is annealed produces a rich ruby color.Gold is also used when making specialty glass for climate controlled buildings and cases. A small amount of gold dispersed within the glass or coated onto the glass surface will reflect solar radiation outward, helping the buildings stay cool in the summer, and reflect internal heat inward, helping them stay warm in winter.The visor on the helmet of an astronaut's space suit is coated with a very thin film of gold. This thin film reflects much of the very intense solar radiation of space, protecting the astronaut's eyes and skin.Gold Gilding and Gold LeafGold has the highest malleability of any metal. This enables gold to be beaten into sheets that are only a few millionths of an inch thick. These thin sheets, known as "gold leaf" can be applied over the irregular surfaces of picture frames, molding or furniture.Gold leaf is also used on the external and internal surfaces of buildings. This provides a durable and corrosion-resistant covering. One of the most eye-catching uses of gold leaf is on the domes of religious buildings and other important structures. The cost of this "roofing material" is very high per square foot; however, the cost of the gold is only a few percent of the total project cost. Most of the cost goes to the labor of highly skilled artisans who apply the gold leaf.Future Uses of GoldGold is too expensive to use by chance. Instead it is used deliberately and only when less expensive substitutes can not be identified. As a result, once a use is found for gold it is rarely abandoned for another metal. This means that the number of uses for gold have been increasing over time.Most of the ways that gold is used today have been developed only during the last two or three decades. This trend will likely continue. As our society requires more sophisticated and reliable materials our uses for gold will increase. This combination of growing demand, few substitutes and limited supply will cause the value and importance of gold to increase steadily over time. It is truly a metal of the future.

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