Most local governments get their revenues from either taxes or fees. Taxes are paid by almost everyone. There are municipal taxes, property taxes, business taxes. As for fees, there are a number of them, but many only apply to a specific group of people (hunters pay to get a hunting license, for example; couples who want to marry pay to get a marriage license).
Taxes really don't stimulate the economy as well as the private sector. Obviously if you are spending someone else's money, you wouldn't spend it as efficiently or as productively as if you yourself were spending your money. This is a highly debateable topic, so not everyone will agree, but from all the evidence I can see, in general higher taxes hinder economic growth.
The primary source of income for local governments are real estate taxes. Some cities also impose their own wage taxes and sales taxes ( such as New York City and Yonkers).
A way you can support the economy is pay taxes
One of the most important sources of local tax revenue is property taxes. Every home owner in a municipality has to pay property taxes every year. These taxes help fund things like police salaries and schools.
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Any government body can levy taxes. The federal government, as well as state and local governments have the power to levy and collect taxes to support government programs.
It is easiest for local governments to assess property.
There is no such thing as "supports taxes" or "does not support taxes." Taxes are a fact of life, there is no way for Pres. Obama to not support taxes. President Obama supports a progressive tax, meaning rates are higher on the rich then the poor.
state taxes, federal taxes, and local taxes.
County and township taxes are a subset of local taxes. Local taxes typically include county, township, city, and school district taxes that help fund local government services and infrastructure. Each of these taxes serves a specific purpose within the local community.
global ecconomy
Songhai was ruled by a king or emperor and had local rulers who administered their regions and paid taxes, tributes and military support to Songhai.AND IT WAS THE TRAINS
Property Taxes
state taxes
It would help if you specify what country you are asking about. In the US, it seems to me that these would be a) property taxes and b) sales taxes (presuming you are including county government as "local" since counties often impose sales taxes). As a Canuk, my only local government is city government, and the city raises capital through residential and business property taxes. Development levies (which are not really a tax) are also imposed on new development and the government also gets support from the provincial government.
Your gross is the TOTAL amount. Your net would be the amount after all of the deductions are taken out. (health insurance, dental insurance, child support, federal taxes, local taxes, etc.) Each individual is different.