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Q: How did the transcontinental railroad impact the US economically?
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Who was US president when the transcontinental railroad was completed?

Ulysses Grant was the US president when the transcontinental railroad was finished in 1869.

How do you write a sentence with the word transcontinental?

The US biult a transcontinental railroad.

What were two affects of the transcontinental railroad on the US?

one day

What are some effects of the Transcontinental Railroad?

The Transcontinental Railroad helped to connect the East with the West, increased trade between the East and the West, and helped with the growth of the US.

Where did the two tracks of the railroad meet?

If this question refers to the US's transcontinental railroad, then the answer is Promontory Point, Utah. There in the Spring of 1869, the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads met, creating the US's transcontinental railroad.

What state was the transcontinental railroad buit in?

The Transcontinental railroad was completed in a ceremony in the Utah Territory in 1869. The railway enabled travel from the US east coast to the west coast.

Did the English start the first transcontinental railroad?

No. The English have nowhere to build a transcontinental railroad; they are on an island. The US was the first to begin such a railroad - aptly named the First Trascontinental Railroad - and the Russians soon followed with the Trans-Siberian Railway.

What railroad was the first to connect the east and the west coast of the US?

The first railroad to connect the east and west coasts of the US was the First Transcontinental Railroad, completed in 1869. The project linked the Central Pacific Railroad from the west and the Union Pacific Railroad from the east at Promontory Summit, Utah.

Who made sure that transcontinental railroad would be built?

The us government

In the 1800s what opened up the western US to immigration and business?

it is transcontinental railroad

What purchase did the US make in order to build a transcontinental railroad?

The gadsden purchase.

By the 1890's how many transcontinental railroad lines crossed the US?
