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He was a generous man

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Q: How did John D Rockefeller's work impact the overall economy of the US?
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What was an important experence in john d Rockefellers life?

an important experece/event in john d. rockefellers life was creating the oil refinery

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Who are the rockefellers?

The Rockefellers created the oil business... and john Rockefeller was the richest man... a long time ago. Very rich and influential people in America, rumoured to be senior members of the illuminati.

What does the d stand for in john d Rockefellers name?

The "D" in John D. Rockefeller's name stands for "Davison," which was his mother's maiden name.

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Controlling money to influence the economy is called?

Fiscal policy is the controlling of money to have an overall influence of the economy. Fiscal policy is based on ideas from economist John Maynard Keynes.

What impact did Andrew Carnegie and john d Rockefeller have on the American economy in the half of the 1800s?

They established and dominated the new steel and oil industries.

Why is John D Rockefellers oil company called a monopoly?

It was called a monopoly because if you wanted kerosen, most likely you would have to get it from one of Rockefellers refiners. He supplied kerosene by tank cars that brought the fuel to local markets, and tank wagons then delivered to retail customers, bypassing everybody else.

Which industry did john D. Rockefeller come to school?

Andrew Carnegie's did not have much education. He only when until he was 14 then went on to work as a messenger boy in the telegraph office.

What impact did Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller have on the American economy in the last half of the 1800s?

They established and dominated the new steel and oil industries.

What impact did Andrew Carnegie and john D Rockefeller have on the American economy in the last half of 1800s?

They established and dominated the new steel and oil industries.