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it can improve a country economically as it is a fossil fuel and soon enough oil will run out and other countries will start bargaining for it meaning the country can sell it for a high price

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Q: How can oil improve a country?
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Improve safety and security in a country in tourism sector?

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For a developing country to improve must have?


Is finding an oil rig good for a country?

yes ... oil rig for a country is very important n so it will reduce the price of oil

How can foreign aid be used to improve a developing country's capital?

they can help the farmers

Why is oil money increasing?

the price of oil is increasing because there is lacking of oil in countries so the country you stay is importing oil that is why the money is increasing.

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Improve the general health of the citizens of the country. and it will improve the quality of the stock of people that a country has because health problem that go on as a result of illness can lead to the quality of national output. A country seems to think that the political makeup of other country's is more important then the health in their own country is heading for disaster.

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Without specifying which country you are asking about, it is impossible to answer.

How do you improve car milage?

all you have to do is get a tuneup and chang the oil

Why is the oil removed from sheeps wool?

To improve its smell and its wearability.

What African country has the most oil?

Nigeria is the African country with the most crude oil

Can you take raw olive oil to improve your general health and what time is ideal for having raw oil?

Yes, some people believe that olive oil will improve your general health. I would start eating more salads, then top with olive oil and vinegar. You can also eat olive oil on bread.

What are the health benefits of Rosemary Oil?

Rosemary oil can help with indigestion, improve the health of one's hair, disinfect one's mouth, improve the feeling and health of the skin, and boost mental activity.

How did finding the Philippines in 1521 improve Ferdinand Magellan's country?

It didn't improve anything, but it got him killed.