About 10 pesos are in a US dollar
As of today (01APR2011), $1.00 US Dollar is worth about 4.05 Argentine Pesos (ARS)
1 US Dollar = 3.7 Argentina Peso leys and Pesos.
1816 pesos.
1,965.50 Colombia Pesos equals a U.S. Dollar
About 10 pesos are in a US dollar
10 Pesos is equal to one dollar, therefore 100 pesos is equal to 10 dollars.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! If 12 pesos is equal to 1 dollar, then to make 5 dollars, you would need 60 pesos. Just remember, there are no mistakes in math, only happy little miscalculations!
20. 1 US $ = 13,1145 Mexican pesos (today 21.08.2012) Note that peso is the currency of many other countries.
At the current exchange rate, 1 USD is equal to 13.01 Mexican Pesos.
20. 1 US $ = 13,1145 Mexican pesos (today 21.08.2012) Note that peso is the currency of many other countries.
As of today (02APR2011), $1 US Dollar is worth about 475.5 Chilean Pesos.
someone put the wrong answer tryin to be smart. but its a round about 2,226 peso that equal 1 US dollar
one US dollar equals 10 pesos
According to www.XE.com, 1000 Mexican Pesos is equal to 77.70 US Dollars. The exchange rate is 1 Dollar to 12.8692 Pesos as of August 14th at about 8am GMT.
As of today (01APR2011), $1.00 US Dollar is worth about 4.05 Argentine Pesos (ARS)