primary, secondary and tertiary
Primary - gathering of raw materialssecondary - manufacturingtertiary - service jobs
Tertiary activities
Tertiary economic activities are the service industry.Trade is tertiary activity in which transportation is very important via air route,land route.
you should learn how to ask questions instead of putting a question mark at the end of a meaningless list
primary, secondary and tertiary
Primary - gathering of raw materialssecondary - manufacturingtertiary - service jobs
Tertiary activities
Tertiary activities
Primary activities include all those connected with extraction and production of natural resource .eg. fishing , agriculture.
Tertiary economic activities are the service industry.Trade is tertiary activity in which transportation is very important via air route,land route.
you should learn how to ask questions instead of putting a question mark at the end of a meaningless list
PRIMARY ACTIVITIES : these are connected with extraction and production of natural resources . these activities are directly associated with land and water. primary occupations have a direct link with nature of physical environment . for e.g. - forestry, mining , etc TERTIARY ACTIVITIES : these are those activities which provide support to the primary and secondary activities. these services increases the efficiency of the workers of primary and secondary sectors. tertiary activities consist of service occupations. for Example - education, health, etc
tertiary economic activities
Tertiary activities are an important economic sector in the United States because they account for around 75% of the labor force. Most Americans make their living through the provision of services and the distribution of goods. The location of tertiary activities is generally more flexible than that of manufacturing or primary activities, which frequently have to be located near their raw materials. Tertiary activities have grown most rapidly in the sun Belt. However, to say that tertiary activities are the most important sector of the economy is somewhat misleading. Tertiary activities cannot exist by themselves. Before raw materials and goods can be distributed, they mu8st be extracted, processed, and produced. The service industries are dependent on both the primary and secondary industries, as well as their workers. Thus, manufacturing and primary activities are very important to the economy as well.
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