it is a factory that make unusable stuff like pipes in things we can use
In a socialist economy, the question of how many goods will be produced and supplied is not made by business. This decision is made by the government in this type of economy.
Surplus goods refers to the profit made in an economy, these goods could be any number of things eg money, resources .... Surplus goods are the result of an efficient economy usually one that is a free market economy
They made American goods cheaper than imported goods
They made American goods cheaper than imported goods
Planned (command, centrally planned, or controlled) economy
In a socialist economy, the question of how many goods will be produced and supplied is not made by business. This decision is made by the government in this type of economy.
In a socialist economy, the question of how many goods will be produced and supplied is not made by business. This decision is made by the government in this type of economy.
Surplus goods refers to the profit made in an economy, these goods could be any number of things eg money, resources .... Surplus goods are the result of an efficient economy usually one that is a free market economy
They made American goods cheaper than imported goods
They made American goods cheaper than imported goods
They made American goods cheaper than imported goods
They made American goods cheaper than imported goods
They made American goods cheaper than imported goods
Planned (command, centrally planned, or controlled) economy
Planned (command, centrally planned, or controlled) economy
An economy exists whenever there are goods and/or services to be sold or traded. If you make something with your own hands, and then sell or trade it to someone who has made something you need, this is an example of economy.