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Inseparably connected, if you mean by modernity the current state of society.

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Q: Does modernity have any connection with imperialism and capitalism?
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there is no longer any connection. legally right,morally wrong - Ethics have not changed. People have.

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the connection between is that it either religion,military Economics or power.the connection between is that it either religion,military economics or power.

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Imperialism can be a broad and vague term depending on how its used and can refer to any country that conquers Another Country and uses any of its resources. This could refer to something such as Alexander's conquests or even the U.S. acquisition of territories (though highly argumentative). Imperialism can cause drains on countries Natural Resources, inhibit freedom, and have drastic economic results such as poverty. Here's a quick source: There is nothing positive about imperialism. It is the logical evolution of capitalism in it's quest for total control of the planet's resources

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Anti-imperialism is any belief or practice which opposes imperialism.

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The form of capitalism without any government intervention is called LAISSEZ-FAIRE ECONOMICS.

What were the positive effects of imperialism in south Africa?

There weren't any.

What was not a reason for US imperialism?

There is no reason for imperialism other than greed and fear. Since the US never really had to fear any country after the War of 1812 I would have to say fear was not a reason for imperialism!

How do you get stuff you cant get but you must have?

This is a central question in any critique of capitalism.