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A danger of building up false expectation.

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Q: Disadvantages of being ethical in business?
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Being ethical in business is no longer a luxury?

being ethical in business is no longer a luxury. it a necessity

Advantage and disadvantage of business ethics?

Business ethics are great for businesses because customers don't like doing business with unethical managers. A disadvantage to being ethical is the fact that money can be affected by being ethical.

Being ethical in business is not possible in curreny environment?


Why should managers be concerned with ethical business practices?

Without being ethical, companies cannot be competitive at either the national or international level.

Can a business be successful and ethical?

Yes, a business can be successful and ethical because in many cases a business will become more popular when it is ethical. Many people choose to frequent a business because of its ethical standards.

Advantages and disadvantages of being a small business?

Another advantage of having a small business is greater profitability

What are the advantages of companies being ethical?

Ethical business can succeed under various advantages from value guided business practices. Ethical business can reduce environmental and marginal social costs from green policies to better employee treatment. Ethical business can preserve system integrity through committing to responsible accounting and trade and finance behaviors. Such steps could have prevented the Arthur Anderson scandals, and at worse the meltdowns of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers.

The primary responsibility of ensuring that ethical standards are adhered to within a business rests with?

Managers monitor employs to ensure they are being ethical. When they find that they are not, they report them to the human resources department.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of business ethics?

There are both advantages and disadvantages to business ethics, but mostly are advantages. The advanatages are the company will have an increase in reputation, more employees will enroll in the company, employees feel more motivated to work, customers have more trust in it. However, some companies will have difficulties to keep us with that standard - maybe it will be expensive to be an ethical business.

What is ethical business?

Business ethics is what is morally good and bad. Its a code of standards.

What are the ethical issues of a business?

The ethical issues of a business are the fundamental principles that apply in a business. The most basic ones are integrity and honesty among others.

What legal and ethical issues should a business consider when deciding whether or not to do business globally?

What legal and ethical issues should a business consider when deciding whether or not to do business globally