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As a licensed and certified real estate appraiser the earnings for appraisers began declining 3 years ago. Presently, 1/3 of the appraiser have left the profession or are in Chapter 13 or foreclosure because of the decline in appraisers respect and bullying by lenders and real estate agents. My pay, expenses etc. have decline to 20% of my former amount 5 years ago. If anyone wants to be an appraiser at this time I would say NOT. Wait 2 years there will again be a demand for appraisers at a decent remuneration.

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How much money could a real estate agent make?

Now days several people want to become real estate agents because of the independence and expected income they can make. Real estate agents can make a lot of money, but the average income for a real estate agent is only $39,000 a year. There are many reasons the average income of real estate agents is low, one of the biggest reasons actuality many agents only work part-time. The average income for a full-time real estate agent is over $54,000 a year.

Licenced California Real Estate Agents average income?


What is a real estate appraiser?

Real estate appraisal is the process of establishing a fair market value for real property. A real estate appraiser is a professional whose job it is to give an Opinion of Value of real property. An appraiser can appraise property for mortgage purposes, insurance purposes, tax purposes, for setting a price for a seller or for determining the value of an estate. An appraiser examines the property, takes pictures, notes any improvements or upgrades, damages or problems, studies the area, determines a rating for the general condition, uses the MLS and other databases to see what other similar homes have sold for recently, and then gives his opinion of the market value of the property.

What is the average income for a real estate agent in Los Angeles?

The income for a real estate agent varies depending on personal drive and also what company you work for or how many houses you sell. Agents can make tens of thousands to millions of dollars a year.

How much does a real estate appraiser earn?

A Real estate apprizer makes about 58,890 anually

Related questions

What is the average starting salary for a real estate appraiser?

Depends on which state you live in. Also depends on if you are a commercial or residential real estate appraiser.

Where can you get a appraiser license in Maryland?

In order to get an appraiser license in the state of Maryland, you will need to complete courses in real estate appraisal, get a real estate Appraiser Trainee license, work as an appraiser trainee at least 2 years and take the exam for real estate appraiser.

How much does a real estate agent make in san Diego?

The average annual income for a real estate agent in San Diego is $77,000. The average annual income for a real estate agent in Des Moines is $71,000.

Where can I have a real estate appraiser training?

Real estate appraiser training can be obtained at this website: It is free, trustworthy, and provides great support for you.

How much money could a real estate agent make?

Now days several people want to become real estate agents because of the independence and expected income they can make. Real estate agents can make a lot of money, but the average income for a real estate agent is only $39,000 a year. There are many reasons the average income of real estate agents is low, one of the biggest reasons actuality many agents only work part-time. The average income for a full-time real estate agent is over $54,000 a year.

Where can I find a school to train me as a real estate appraiser?

You can find a school that could train you as a real estate appraiser in a lot of places. Western parts of California and Washington offer great schools that help with real estate.

Where can one find a real estate appraiser school?

You can find a real estate appraiser school at the Appraiser License website. Once on the page, select the state you want to get your license in to bring up more information.

Licenced California Real Estate Agents average income?


Why is an real estate appraiser not paid on a percentage basis?

A real estate appraiser must be unbiased in developing and reporting an opinion of value for real estate. If a real estate appraiser accepts an assignment where the client agrees to pay an appraisal fee based on a percentage of the final appraised value, the appraiser would be in violation of Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices and the code of ethics of any appraisal organization to which he or she is a member.

How do you become a property appraiser?

Check with your state Real Estate Commission, usually under the Department of Insurance and Banking. This is a license similar to the process of becoming a real estate agent. Try searching for "Real Estate Appraiser License"

What is the salary of a residential real estate appraiser in ca?


Who can appraise commercial buildings?

Commercial real estate appraiser