Among the highest are Japan, UK and Switzerland. Generally "First World" countries have the highest standards--mostly those of North America, western Europe, Australia and the southern tip of Africa. This is based on GNP (Gross National Product), human rights and, originally, type of government.
Growing international trade and rising standards of living
(GDP) Gross Domestic Production
The standard of living is Australia is the 2nd highest in the world, after Norway. Australia has a very high economy and produces a lot of smart and wealthy people in the world.
As with individuals, nations have different amounts of wealth, and even if the wealth is fairly distributed, there will and is considerable differences in the standards of living among the several hundred nations in the world. As mentioned, regarding fairness of distribution, the standards of living can be different based on non subjective reasons. A nation that is rich in natural resources and can export these as well as use them internally to their best advantage will help lift the standard of living. A nation with a sound economic system will also help its standard of living. Another factor is the education level of a nations citizens. Generally the higher the level the higher the standard of living. A politically stable nation is best for a sound economy. Nations in the midst of civil strife and civil wars hurts its economy and helps lower its standard of living.
England started industrializing before the rest of the world. This is the reason why they had the highest standard of living in the world in 1900.
Frances social welfare policies and well management have given it some of the highest living standards in the world exceeding the US and much of Europe. It has the 8th highest living standard in the world.
America has a high standard of living! As of 2008 (the 2009 index for standard of living is not yet out) The United states has the 15th highest standard of living in the World (Iceland being 1)
The highest standard of living in Europe is MonacoImproved : Norway has the highest standard of living in Europe and the World... If Ranked by the UN.. Monaco would have the 23rd highest living standard in the world.
No, but very close! Norway has the highest standard of living in the world. Sweden has the 7th highest.
That isn't true necessarily.. Here are some of the UN official highest standards of living. As Ranked by The United Nations.. 1. Norway 2. Australia 3. Iceland 4. Canada 5. Ireland 6. Netherlands 7. Sweden 8. France 9. Switzerland 10. Japan 11. Luxembourg 12. Finland....
Of course. Australia is a modern, western country. It has one of the highest standards of living in the world,many that includes modern technology.
Japan has one of the highest standards of living in the world. Their per capita income is consistently in the top 10 to 20 in the world.
Among the highest are Japan, UK and Switzerland. Generally "First World" countries have the highest standards--mostly those of North America, western Europe, Australia and the southern tip of Africa. This is based on GNP (Gross National Product), human rights and, originally, type of government.
north America is a highest continent in the world............................
The question is too broad to answer. The life of an Inuit is quite different from the life of an average Vancouverite. Overall Canadians enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world.
Very successfully. Canada did not fight to leave the British Empire, even today it is part of the Commonwealth. Canada is a great country and at one time had one of the highest standards of living in the world. Even today Canada has a good standard of living and is often thought of as having one of the highest quality of living.