Maximises the continues utilization of resources.
Distributes wealth equally among all peoplce so there are no inequalities.
Only products that are required are produced hence prevents production of socially undesired products. Disadvantages.
Lack innovation.
Can not detect consumer preferences accurately.
Resources are misallocated as consumer demands are not satisfied by production.
overstaffing problems, poor product quality, lack of efficiency.
advantage is its fpree. Disadvantage is that its not fpree.
Advantage and disadvantage are complete opposites. An advantage is something which is beneficial to an individual. A disadvantage would be not to ones benefit.
An advantage of being self reliant is knowing that you can do for yourself and not rely on others. A disadvantage is the fact that you become socially inept.
CAn get hacked mate
Answering "List the advantage and disadvantage of object oriented database model?" Answering "List the advantage and disadvantage of object oriented database model?"
advantage and disadvantage of system model
DISADVANTAGE : 1)- Irrigates less area . ADVANTAGE : 1)- Not much expensive to use this method .
An advantage of the docket system, in a pharmacy, is the orderly filling of prescriptions. A disadvantage is the waiting time for some customers.
What are the advantage and disadvantage of fidelio?"
Advantage and disadvantage of workshop
The advantages are that they save time and give hot water. The disadvantage is that the environment can be harsh due to the high temperatures.
what are the advantage and disadvantage branch libraries
advantage is its fpree. Disadvantage is that its not fpree.