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The object of mercantilism was to increase the wealth of the Mother Country.

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Q: According to mercantilism principles what were the two ways a nation could increase their wealth?
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What was the main goal of mercantilism?

To increase the nation's (great Britain's) total wealth

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According to the policy of mercantilism how could a nation increase in its wealth?

The theory of mercantilism held that a country's power depended mainly on its wealth. Wealth after all, allowed nations to build strong navies and purchase important goods. As a result to the policy of mercantilism the goal of every nation became the attainment of as much wealth as possible. Saying this they can increase their wealth by balance of trade and the economic revolution changes european society source- Honors World Civ book

What was a characteristic of mercantilism government?

Mercantilism was about building up the nation's wealth in terms of hard cash.

What was the most important principle of mercantilism?

The most important principle of mercantilism was to export more than you import when running a nation.

What are the basic beliefs of mercantilism?

The basic beliefs of Mercantilism included that wealth of a nation came mostly from its possession of gold and silver.

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Economic theory that it was better for a nation to sell more than it bought?


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What was the primary objective of mercantilism?

Was to enrich the nation by fostering a favorable balance of trade.

What caused the growth of mercantilism?

Mercantilism was an economy theory that posited that the wealthiest nation, particularly in terms of precious metals, would be the most powerful. The demand of the precious metals by the developed countries was one of the causes of mercantilism.

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