it varies. you type it in on google it willl telll you
A peso is a Mexican coin and is worth 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 pennies.
Currently, 50 Mexican Pesos would be worth 2.7516 Euros
As of 6-17-2010, $69.99 was worth 882.021 Mexican Pesos.
As of 21st June 2009, 809 Mexican Pesos = $60.55
As of 11-6-11 2 Mexican pesos are worth about .15 US dollars.
Some 9,031.60 Mexican pesos.
much is 20 pesos worth
660 Mexican Pesos is worth the same as $56.26 in US currency.
Mexican Pesos? At today's exchange rate, 8-1-2011, about $8.58 US dollars.
Assuming your question refers to Mexican pesos, exchange rates change every day but during 2011-12 they've averaged about 13 or 14 Mexican pesos = US$1. So, 5 pesos would be worth about 35¢
5 Mexican pesos = 0.42 Canadian dollars (Aug 2014)
10,000 Mexican pesos are worth 740.12 US dollars as of 11-6-11.
it varies. you type it in on google it willl telll you
A peso is a Mexican coin and is worth 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 pennies.
Cinco mil pesos oro is Colombian money it has it written on it so it is not Mexican pesos as people would assume so it is only worth about $2.50 in American Currency exchange.