-high income per capita
-high human development index (HDI)
-high gross domestic product (GDP) per capita
-more energy consumption
-produce and trade more consumer goods
-higher literacy rate
-longer life expectancy
-lower Infant Mortality Rate
Characteristics of Developed Economy are given below:
By selling their products to developing countries.
Developed The U.S, Canada, Singapore, Japan, most European Countries Developing Many countries in Aisa, Africa, and Latin America
Intergovernmental organizations have brought economic aid to developing countries, but have given developed countries more influence and control.
Intergovernmental organizations have brought economic aid to developing countries, but have given developed countries more influence and control.
Intergovernmental organizations have brought economic aid to developing countries, but have given developed countries more influence and control.
Yacov Zahavi has written: 'Travel characteristics in cities of developing and developed countries'
By selling their products to developing countries.
Sudan is a developing country.
india & chine are developing country where as us and uk are developed country
Developed The U.S, Canada, Singapore, Japan, most European Countries Developing Many countries in Aisa, Africa, and Latin America
Intergovernmental organizations have brought economic aid to developing countries, but have given developed countries more influence and control.
Belize is a developed country. Countries are described as developed countries when they have a developed economy, and an advanced technological infrastructure when compared to other developing nations.
Dependency theory suggests that global inequality is largely due to the exploitation of developing countries by developed countries. It emphasizes the role of historical colonialism and neocolonial practices in perpetuating underdevelopment. Dependency theorists argue that developing countries are structurally dependent on developed countries for resources, technology, and markets, leading to unequal power relations.
Intergovernmental organizations have brought economic aid to developing countries, but have given developed countries more influence and control.
Intergovernmental organizations have brought economic aid to developing countries, but have given developed countries more influence and control.
Intergovernmental organizations have brought economic aid to developing countries, but have given developed countries more influence and control.
developing nation african countries are still developing