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Iran is typically considered a developing country. It has a decent infrastructure and modern scientific output. However, it is not equivalent to South Korea or Israel, which are the two countries on the Asian mainland that are considered developed.

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Q: Is Iran a developing developed or under developed country?
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Is Iran a less economic developed country?

It is listed under Less Developed Countries at the Related Link below.

Is Iran an MEDC?

No, Iran is classified as a developing country, not a more economically developed country (MEDC). Its economy is based on oil and gas exports, and it faces various challenges in areas such as infrastructure, healthcare, and education.

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Iran is classified as a developing country or a less economically developed country (LEDC). This classification is based on factors such as income levels, infrastructure, and standard of living.

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No, Iran is not under foreign rule. It gained independence and is an independent country.

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The country of Iran's continued development of high grade plutonium as put the country under intense scrutiny. Iran's restrictions on you when inspectors has also put them under intense scrutiny.

What are the Presents day developments of Shiite Islam?

the main country of shia is Iran and Iran has developed in many areas of technology.

Where did Iran get weapons of mass destruction?

It depends on the particular weapon. Some were developed in Iran. Some came to Iran from the United States when Iran was under the Shah. Some came to Iran from the Soviet Union during the Iran-Iraq War.

Do the people in Iran have television?

hi do u really think Iran is an undeveloped country & even they don have TV? Iranian people established the most modern democracy thousand years ago.the even had surgery 2000 b.c.Iran is a developed country but not in compare with u.s or some the most developed country.

On what country is the country of Iran?

Iran is its own country.

Is Persia a rich country?

NO. Iran is subject to massive international sanctions which have destroyed the country's economy. However, Iran has the ability, due to large petroleum deposits, of industrializing and developing.

Are the Iranian considered European?

No. Iran is a country in Asia, not a country in Europe, so Iranians are not European.No. Iran is a country in Asia, not a country in Europe, so Iranians are not European.No. Iran is a country in Asia, not a country in Europe, so Iranians are not European.No. Iran is a country in Asia, not a country in Europe, so Iranians are not European.No. Iran is a country in Asia, not a country in Europe, so Iranians are not European.No. Iran is a country in Asia, not a country in Europe, so Iranians are not European.No. Iran is a country in Asia, not a country in Europe, so Iranians are not European.No. Iran is a country in Asia, not a country in Europe, so Iranians are not European.No. Iran is a country in Asia, not a country in Europe, so Iranians are not European.No. Iran is a country in Asia, not a country in Europe, so Iranians are not European.No. Iran is a country in Asia, not a country in Europe, so Iranians are not European.

Is Islam began in Iran?

No, Islam began in Mecca city in current Saudi Arabia country. but later Iran absorbed Islam and highly supported and developed it. Islam is Iran is Shia Islam and in Saudi Arabia is mostly Sunni Islam.