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Australia is a single country. It is a modern developed country. It is a Federation of States which up to 1901 were colonies of Great Britain. Its has a population of approx. 21million people most of whom live in large cities on the Eastern Coast. Australia is and island continent. It has no borders with any other country. It has an indigenous population of aboriginal people who were badly treated when Britain settled Australia in the eighteenth century. These people are treated as Australian citizens but many still live in isolated communities in the outback desert regions or in the tropical North.

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Yes Australia is a developed country.

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Q: Is Australia a developed country
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The sames jobs exist in Australia that can be found in any developed country.

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As advanced as any other developed country.

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The woomera was developed by the indigenous people of Australia.

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Thailand is in Asia. Australia is in Oceania. In Thailand they speak Thai. In Australia they speak English. Thailand has a Buddhist/Eastern culture. Australia has a Christian/Western culture. Thailand is a developing country. Australia is a developed country.

Is Australia a developed or developing country?

Australia is a developed country. i live in Australia as most of the population enjoys a high standard of living . unemployment is at 4.2 percent. But because of the recession its now between 5.5 to 5.7 percent. But we are still not is recession. Depending on the data different sites rank Australia differently.Australia is roughly between 13 to 20 of the richest countries in the world . We are ahead of countries like Germany, united kingdom , France, Italy Spain and more

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