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A unified effort was necessary because it required collaboration and coordination among different groups with unique expertise. Scientists could provide data and research on the environmental issues, policymakers could enact regulations and allocate resources, and concerned citizens could advocate for action and participate in cleanup efforts. By working together, they could combine their strengths to address the environmental challenges facing Lake Washington effectively.

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Q: Why was a unified effort by scientists policy makers and concerned citizens necessary to achieve the environmental cleanup of Lake Washington?
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How did environmental changes help in the discovery of farming?

Environmental changes such as the end of the last Ice Age led to the availability of more stable and predictable food sources, which allowed for experimentation with farming techniques. Additionally, changes in climate and vegetation provided the conditions necessary for the transition from foraging to agriculture.

Can scientists make a hurricane change direction?

No, scientists cannot make a hurricane change direction. Hurricanes are large-scale weather systems driven by complex interactions between temperature, humidity, and other factors in the atmosphere. While scientists can track and predict hurricanes to provide warnings and take necessary precautions, they do not have the ability to change the direction of a hurricane.

Is 34.3 low body temperature?

i have a temperature of 34.3 most days. At night i shiver even with the heating on . The doctor has checked for thyroid but says he is not concerned with thyroid levels. should i be concerned,

What is necessary for the evolution of two species from subpopulations of a common ancestor?

For the evolution of two species from subpopulations of a common ancestor, it is necessary for reproductive isolation to occur, preventing gene flow between the two populations. This can happen through geographical, behavioral, or genetic barriers. Over time, differences in genetic makeup accumulate due to separate environmental pressures, leading to the formation of distinct species.

In what US states do rainforests exist?

Rainforests in the United States exist primarily in Hawaii and parts of the Pacific Northwest, including Washington and Oregon. These regions have the necessary combination of climate and vegetation to support rainforest ecosystems.

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pake yu

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