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Sandy soil is well aerated because space between sand particles is quiet large.

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3w ago

Sandy soil has large particles with gaps between them, allowing for good air circulation and drainage. The lack of fine particles means the soil is lighter in weight compared to soils with more clay or silt content.

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Q: Why sandy soil is well aerated and light in weight?
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Why does water pass easily through sandy soil?

Water passes easily through sandy soil because the particles are large and have plenty of space between them. This allows water to flow through quickly without being retained by the soil. Additionally, sandy soil is well-aerated, reducing resistance to water flow.

Why can sandy soil be carried away by wind?

Sandy soil has loose particles that are easily lifted by wind due to their small size and light weight. The lack of organic matter or roots in sandy soil also contributes to its vulnerability to wind erosion. Additionally, dry conditions can make sandy soil more prone to being carried away by wind.

Is there sandy soil in the desert?

Yes there is sandy soil in many deserts.

What abiotics are found in the Great Sandy Desert?

Soil, rocks, sand, water, light and air.

How does sandy soil feels in the hand?

it feels rough and dry and very light and very loose

What is the water holding capacity of alluvial soil?

Alluvial soil typically has a high water holding capacity due to its loose, well-aerated structure. It can hold a significant amount of water before reaching saturation, making it suitable for agriculture in areas with regular rainfall or irrigation.

What is soil for in Australia?

sandy soil

What color is sandy soil?

Sandy soil typically appears light in color, ranging from light brown to beige. The color can be influenced by the amount of organic matter present and the specific minerals in the soil.

What loosens up the soil so that it gets well aerated?

Aeration tools like aerators or soil plugs can help loosen soil by creating small holes to promote air and water movement. Mixing in organic matter like compost can also improve soil structure and make it easier for roots to grow. Additionally, practicing no-till gardening can prevent soil compaction and encourage natural soil aeration.

What does aerated mean?

Usually pertaining to soil, it means to churn up and loosen the soil so that oxygen or water can go deep in the soil.

Is sandy soil found in deserts?

Yes. Because the sandy soil is from the biggest sandy ocean that float in the sea ♥