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Marble will not show noticeable foliation, although it undergoes some pressure during metamorphism. That is because marble composition is almost 100% calcite. Even calcite crystals realign themselves perpendicular to stress direction, the realignment is still unnoticeable. However, if there are platy minerals, such as mica, which is really uncommon, marble should show foliated texture.

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3w ago

Marble is non-foliated, meaning it does not have layering or banding. Quartzite, on the other hand, can be non-foliated if it is formed from pure quartz sandstone, but it may also show foliation if formed from a metamorphic rock with layering.

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9y ago

A marble is not foliated since it is a type of rock that is formed through metamorphism of limestone. The process causes the marble to recrystallize the original rock completely.

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15y ago

Marble is a non-foliated metamorphic rock.

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15y ago

Marble and quartzite are non-foliated metamorphic rocks.

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What are some example names of foliated and un-foliated rocks?

Foliated rocks include slate, schist, and gneiss, which exhibit banded or layered appearance due to their mineral alignment. Unfoliated rocks, such as marble, quartzite, and basalt, lack the distinct layering or banding seen in foliated rocks.

What is the parent rock of the nonfoliated metamorphic rock?

The parent rock of nonfoliated metamorphic rocks can vary, but some common examples include limestone, quartzite, and marble. These rocks typically form under high temperature and pressure conditions without the development of a layered texture like foliated rocks.

Rocks are foliated or nonfoliated depending on their?

Mineral composition and how they formed. Foliated rocks have a layered or banded appearance due to alignment of mineral grains, such as in slate or gneiss, while nonfoliated rocks lack this layering, like in marble or quartzite. Foliation typically results from pressure and temperature conditions during rock formation.

Why can you see layers in foliated rocks but not in nonfoliated rocks?

Foliated rocks have minerals aligned in layers due to pressure causing them to reorganize, resulting in a banded appearance. Nonfoliated rocks lack this alignment, so they do not exhibit distinct layers. Factors like heat and pressure drive the formation of foliation in rocks like gneiss and schist, while nonfoliated rocks like marble and quartzite do not have this structural feature.

List examples of foliated and nonfoliated rocksexplain the difference between the two types of metamorphic rocks?

Foliated rocks: gneiss, schist, slate - These rocks have a layered or banded appearance due to the alignment of minerals caused by pressure during metamorphism. Nonfoliated rocks: marble, quartzite, hornfels - These rocks do not have a layered structure and exhibit more isotropic mineral alignment. The difference lies in the presence (foliated) or absence (nonfoliated) of layers or banding caused by differential pressure during metamorphism.

Related questions

What are some examples of nonfoliated metamorphic rocks?

Examples of non-foliated metamorphic rocks are quartzite and marble.

Texture term for metamorphic rocks that lack layering?

Non-foliated metamorphic rock, like quartzite and marble.

Is marbles foliated or nonfoliated?

Marble is non-foliated.

What are three examples of nonfoliated metamorphic rock?

Quartzite, Marble, and Soapstone are three examples of nonfoliated rock.

Which metamorphic rock had a nonfoliated texture?


What are some example names of foliated and un-foliated rocks?

Foliated rocks include slate, schist, and gneiss, which exhibit banded or layered appearance due to their mineral alignment. Unfoliated rocks, such as marble, quartzite, and basalt, lack the distinct layering or banding seen in foliated rocks.

What are three examples of nonfoliated rock?

Quartzite,marble, and soapstone

Metamorphic rocks such as marble and quartzite are said to be what because their mineral grains are not arranged in parallel layers or bands?

Metamorphic rocks such as marble and quartzite are said to be non-foliated because their mineral grains are not arranged in parallel layers or bands like in foliated rocks such as slate or schist. This lack of alignment gives non-foliated rocks a more uniform texture and appearance.

Metamorphic rocks that do not have distinct layers or bands?


Texture term for metamorphic rock which lack banding?

The Texture term for metamorphic rock which are not banded or layered is non-foliated metamorphic rock. Good examples are marble and quartzite.

What does nonfoliated mean?

Nonfoliated refers to a type of metamorphic rock that does not have a banded or layered appearance. These rocks have a more uniform texture and lack the parallel alignment of mineral grains typically seen in foliated rocks. Examples of nonfoliated rocks include quartzite and marble.

What is the parent rock of the nonfoliated metamorphic rock?

The parent rock of nonfoliated metamorphic rocks can vary, but some common examples include limestone, quartzite, and marble. These rocks typically form under high temperature and pressure conditions without the development of a layered texture like foliated rocks.