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it tahe more space

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2mo ago

At higher altitudes, the air pressure is lower, which results in less oxygen being available per unit volume of air. This reduced oxygen concentration can lead to symptoms of altitude sickness for individuals not acclimatized to such environments.

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Q: Why is there less oxygen on a mountain?
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Why if you climb a very high mountain would you probably weigh a little less than you did at the foot of the mountain?

the less oxygen

When you go up the mountain does air increase?

No, but there is less oxygen. This makes breathing harder.

Why do mountain climbers lost there breathing in up of the mountain?

the higher up you clime the less oxygen there is because you are getting closer to space

Why is there less oxygen on the top of a mountain?

At higher altitudes, the air pressure decreases due to lower atmospheric density. This decrease in air pressure leads to a lower concentration of oxygen molecules available. Consequently, there is less oxygen available for breathing on the top of a mountain.

How will the air at the top of a mountain be different from the air at the base?

The air at the top of the mountain is less dense, meaning there are less particles of oxygen in a certain are than on the ground. It is harder to breathe because the air is so thin, there is not enough oxygen to breathe normally until you get used to it.

Why people feel breathless as they climb higher and higher on a mountain?

As people climb higher and higher on a mountain, the air becomes thinner, which means there is less oxygen available for the body to use. This leads to a decrease in oxygen reaching the tissues and cells, causing a person to feel breathless as the body works harder to compensate for the lower oxygen levels.

Why do you get out of breath more easily when you climb a mountain?

The air is thinner, there is less oxygen molecules per volume of air (the air is less dense) therefore to absorb the same amount of O2 into your blood at 4000ft as at 0ft altitude you have to breath more/ more deeply. Also, you're climbing a mountain (going uphill) which uses more energy than going flat as you have to work against gravity.

When climbing up a mountain why do you get out of breath easily?

Because - the further away you are from the Earth's surface - the less oxygen there is in the air.

How is the air at the top of a mountain different from the air at the base of the mountain?

The air at the top of a mountain is typically colder, less dense, and contains less oxygen than the air at the base of the mountain. This is due to lower atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes, leading to reduced air density and oxygen levels.

Why is the air thinner at the top of a mountain?

The closer you are to the edge of the atmosphere, the denser air gets. That's why mountain climbers find it difficult to breathe, as there is less oxygen in the air up there.

Why should an asthmatic be careful when going up a very high mountain?

The higher you go - the less oxygen there is in the air you breathe.

Why does mountain climber need oxygen mask?

Mountain climbers need oxygen masks at high altitudes because the air becomes thinner and contains less oxygen, leading to hypoxia which can result in dizziness, shortness of breath, confusion, and even death. Oxygen masks help climbers supplement the oxygen they need to maintain proper breathing and prevent altitude sickness.