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bcause the red soil has iron in it & the black soil is formed frm d rock basaltic which is black !

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2w ago

Red soil gets its color from the presence of iron oxide, which gives it a reddish hue. Black soil, on the other hand, is dark in color due to a high content of organic matter, minerals like iron and aluminum, and aeration, which help it retain moisture and nutrients.

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Q: Why is the red soil red and black soil black?
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The main types of soil textures are sand, silt, and clay. Sand particles are larger and do not hold water well, silt particles are medium-sized and have good water retention, while clay particles are the smallest and hold water tightly. Soil texture affects properties like drainage, aeration, and nutrient retention.

What are the main soil types in India?

The main soil types in India are Alluvial soil, Black soil, Red soil, Laterite soil, and Arid soil. Alluvial soil is the most predominant and fertile soil type in India, found in the Indo-Gangetic plain. Black soil, also known as regur soil, is found in Deccan plateau and is known for its high fertility. Red soil is found in regions like Tamil Nadu, Odisha, and Jharkhand. Laterite soil is commonly found in the Western Ghats and parts of the Deccan plateau, while Arid soil is found in arid and semi-arid regions like Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat.

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How do you turn red soil into black soil?

You shall put LARGE amounts of compost in it and wait a few years until it has decomposed - futhermore red soil contain alot of ion wich gives it the red color - because you can't remove the ion you can't remove the red color completly, but the red soil mixed with compost will now have function of black soil. hope the answer was helpful - luise:)

What colors can soil be?

Soil can be various shades of brown, black, red, yellow, and white, depending on its composition and the presence of organic matter and minerals. Different regions and types of soil may exhibit different colors.

What is green in the soil black in a bag and red in your eyes?

The Sun.

Is mud brown or black?

It depends on the soil. There is red clay soil, brown sandy soil, and dark brown/black earthy soil. There are white sand beaches, black sand beaches and there are even a few beaches with green sand.

What are the different soil structures?

1.alluvial soil soil and yellow soil 4.laterite soil 5.arid soil 6.forest soil these are the classiffication of soil

Names of soil in India only names?

Black soil, red soil, laterite soil, alluvial soil, and desert soil.