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Oxygen is what humans breathe in. We need it to be alive.

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2mo ago

Oxygen is essential for the process of respiration, where cells use oxygen to produce energy. This process is critical for sustaining life in most organisms. Additionally, oxygen also plays a key role in various metabolic functions and is a vital component of many molecules essential for our body to function properly.

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Q: Why is oxygen more important than the other elements?
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Is oxygen more reactive than neon?

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Oxide is a compound composed of oxygen and one or more other elements. It is not an element on its own, but rather a combination of elements.

Why oxygen bond with other element?

Oxygen bonds with other elements to form compounds in order to achieve a more stable electronic configuration through sharing or transferring electrons. This helps fulfill the octet rule, where atoms are more stable with a full outer electron shell. Bonding with other elements allows oxygen to achieve a more energetically favorable state.

What are ten elements found on Periodic Table of Elements?

Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon,Argon, nitrogen, sodium, chlorine, fluorine, calcium, and sulphur Those are some of the more important elements.

Is nitrogen more reactive than oxygen?

No, oxygen is more reactive than nitrogen. Oxygen readily forms compounds with other elements, while nitrogen is relatively inert under most conditions.

What is the electronegativity of oxygen compared to other elements?

Oxygen has a higher electronegativity compared to most other elements, with a value of 3.44 on the Pauling scale. This high electronegativity is due to oxygen's strong attraction for electrons, making it one of the most electronegative elements on the periodic table.

Is it true that nitrogen is a more reactive element than oxygen?

False, if we look at the general trend of reactivity of the non-metallic elements on the periodic table we see that reactivity is indirectly proportionate to an elements size. A Oxygen is a smaller atom than Nitrogen therefore more reactive.

What is more reactive than oxygen?

Fluorine is more reactive than oxygen. It is the most reactive non-metal element and readily forms compounds with almost all other elements.

What is more important heart or the lungs?

One is no more important that the other they both rely on the other to function properly. For example with out the lungs there would be no oxygen getting into your body but without the heart the oxygen wont be able to get to the rest of your body.

Does your body need more than six elements?

Yes, the human body requires a variety of elements in addition to the six essential elements (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus). Some other important elements needed for bodily functions include potassium, sulfur, sodium, and magnesium. These elements play crucial roles in maintaining overall health and biological processes.