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Summer is when the sun is most direct over a hemisphere. It alternates between hemispheres because the earth's axis (the line between the earth's north and south poles about which the earth spins) is tilted (not perfectly perpendicular) relative to the earth-sun plane, and as the earth revolves (or orbits) around the Sun, the tilt presents cycling points toward the sun.

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3mo ago

This happens because of the tilt of Earth's axis. When the Southern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, it experiences summer, while the northern hemisphere is tilted away and experiences winter. As Earth orbits the sun, this tilt causes the varying seasons in each hemisphere.

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Q: Why is it summer in the southern hemisphere when it is winter in the northen hemisphere?
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If it is summer in the northen hemisphere what is it in the southern hemisphere?

It would b winter.

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It is summer in the northern hemisphere.

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When it's winter in Poland (or the northen hemisphere in general) it will be summer in Zimbabwe (southern hemisphere).

If it is summer in the northern hemisphere what season is it in the southern hemisphere?

WINter it is the oppsite of the south when its summer there its winter here and when its fall here itsspring there

Is it summer everywhere around the world right now?

In the southern hemisphere the summer months of the northern hemisphere are winter months and the winter months of the northern hemisphere are summer months. So the answer is no.In the southern hemisphere the summer months of the northern hemisphere are winter months and the winter months of the northern hemisphere are summer months. So the answer is no.In the southern hemisphere the summer months of the northern hemisphere are winter months and the winter months of the northern hemisphere are summer months. So the answer is no.In the southern hemisphere the summer months of the northern hemisphere are winter months and the winter months of the northern hemisphere are summer months. So the answer is no.In the southern hemisphere the summer months of the northern hemisphere are winter months and the winter months of the northern hemisphere are summer months. So the answer is no.In the southern hemisphere the summer months of the northern hemisphere are winter months and the winter months of the northern hemisphere are summer months. So the answer is no.In the southern hemisphere the summer months of the northern hemisphere are winter months and the winter months of the northern hemisphere are summer months. So the answer is no.In the southern hemisphere the summer months of the northern hemisphere are winter months and the winter months of the northern hemisphere are summer months. So the answer is no.In the southern hemisphere the summer months of the northern hemisphere are winter months and the winter months of the northern hemisphere are summer months. So the answer is no.In the southern hemisphere the summer months of the northern hemisphere are winter months and the winter months of the northern hemisphere are summer months. So the answer is no.In the southern hemisphere the summer months of the northern hemisphere are winter months and the winter months of the northern hemisphere are summer months. So the answer is no.

Which season with the southern hemisphere be expecting when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere?

When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the southern hemisphere will be experiencing winter.

Why do people in Australia snow ski during the northern hemisphere's summer months?

Because it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

When it is summer in the southern hemisphere what season is it the northern hemishere?

When it is summer in the southern hemisphere, it is winter in the northern hemisphere.

When it is summer in the northern hemisphere in the southern hemisphere it is?

It is winter.

When it is winter in the northern hemisphere it is summer in the....?

Yes, the Southern Hemisphere is in winter while the northern is in summer

What is true when the nothern half of earth is tilted toward the sun?

When the northern half of the Earth is tilted towards the Sun, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. This tilt causes the North Pole to experience continuous daylight (the Midnight Sun) while the South Pole has continuous darkness.

When its summer in the northern hemisphere what is it in the southern hemisphere?
