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It doesn't.

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When a rock is submerged in water, the water fills the space around the rock, causing the total volume to increase. This increase in volume is due to the displacement of water by the rock, resulting in the combination of the rock's original volume plus the volume of water it displaces.

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Q: Why does a rock sitting in water have more volume?
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How do you get the volume of rock?

To calculate the volume of a rock, you can use the formula for the volume of a sphere (4/3 * pi * r^3) if the rock is spherical, or use the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism (length * width * height) if the rock has a more regular shape. Otherwise, you can measure the volume by water displacement: submerge the rock in water and measure the increase in water level to find its volume.

How can you measure volume of the rock?

it is easiest to do with small rocks, but can be dome with anything if you can move it and have a container large enough to hold it. place water into a container with measurment markings and place the rock into it. the amount the water level rises, called displacement, is the volume of the rock.

Which property of the rock can be directly determined when the rock is placed in overflow container?

The density of the rock can be directly determined when the rock is placed in an overflow container. By measuring the amount of water displaced by the rock, its volume can be calculated, and then by dividing the mass of the rock by its volume, the density can be determined.

Freezing and thawing cause rocks to break because the volume of ice is?

larger than the volume of water, creating pressure that can crack the rock. As water freezes, it expands and exerts pressure on the surrounding rock, causing it to break. Thawing then weakens the rock further, making it more prone to breaking.

Why does water carve rock?

Water can carve rock through a process called erosion. Over time, water carries sediment and debris that scrape and wear away at the surface of the rock, creating channels and shaping the landscape. Factors such as water speed, volume, and the type of rock all influence how quickly erosion can occur.

Related questions

How do you get the volume of rock?

To calculate the volume of a rock, you can use the formula for the volume of a sphere (4/3 * pi * r^3) if the rock is spherical, or use the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism (length * width * height) if the rock has a more regular shape. Otherwise, you can measure the volume by water displacement: submerge the rock in water and measure the increase in water level to find its volume.

If a rock with less mass and volume than a body of water how is it possible that it has a greater density and can sink?

The rock may have a higher density due to its composition, such as being made of dense materials like metals or minerals. Density is mass per unit volume, so even though the rock is smaller and lighter overall, its mass is concentrated in a smaller volume, resulting in higher density. This higher density allows the rock to sink in water, which has a lower density.

Does a rock weigh more in water?

No, a rock does not weigh more in water. When submerged in water, the rock displaces an amount of water equal to its own volume, leading to a buoyant force that reduces its apparent weight. So, the rock will weigh less in water compared to in air.

How is the volume of a rock measured?

One way to do it is fill a graduated cylinder with water and record the number, next put the rock in the water and be careful not to spill any water. Record the volume of the rock and the water together. The difference in the volumes is the volume of the rock.

What has more mass a rock with a volume of 1ml or a rock with a volume of 4ml?

The rock with a volume of 4ml has more mass, assuming all other factors are the same. Mass is directly proportional to volume, so a rock with a larger volume will have more mass.

How can you measure volume of the rock?

it is easiest to do with small rocks, but can be dome with anything if you can move it and have a container large enough to hold it. place water into a container with measurment markings and place the rock into it. the amount the water level rises, called displacement, is the volume of the rock.

Best way to measure the vplume of irregularly sharpe rock?

To measure the volume of irregularly shaped rocks, you can use the water displacement method. Submerge the rock in a container of water and measure the change in water volume as the rock displaces the water. The difference in water volume before and after submerging the rock will give you the volume of the rock.

How could you figure out the volume of a rock that has broken and chipped edges?

You can approximate the volume of the irregularly shaped rock by submerging it in water and measuring the volume of water displaced. Alternatively, you can use a 3D scanner to create a digital model and calculate the volume from there. Keep in mind that these methods may not be entirely accurate due to the irregular shape of the rock.

If a rock is put into a container of water will the weight stay the same?

The weight of the rock will be lessened by the weight of the same volume of water. If the rock weighs less than that volume of water, it will float (as does pumice). Thus, if you had a rock that has a density (weight/volume) of 2 times the same volume of water, it would weigh one half of its dry weight when in water.

How would you use your calibrated bottle to find the volume of the rock?

Place a specific amount of water in your bottle. Record the volume. Place the rock in the bottle. Read and record the new volume of water. Subtract the first volume measurement from the measurement after you added the rock. The difference is the volume of the rock.

What is an easy rock experiment?

Fill a graduated cylinder full of water, than drop a rock inside. The amount that the water rises will determine the volume of the rock. Amount of water level increase=volume of rock.

When a rock is placed in a graducated cylinder containing water the height of the water will?

increase, as the rock displaces a volume of water equal to its own volume. This causes the water level to rise in the graduated cylinder.