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There are so few cases of private water supply in the world because we have many of these, particularly in large cities. Similarly, if we are living in a city, we would have seen private companies supplying water through tankers or supplying drinking water in sealed bottles. In such cases, private companies provide public facilities but at a price that only some people can afford. Hence, this facility is not available to all at an affordable rate.

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There are few cases of private water supply in the world because water is considered a basic human right and a public good that should be managed by the government to ensure equitable access. Privatization of water supply can lead to issues of affordability, quality, and accountability, which can disproportionately affect marginalized communities. Many believe that water resources should be managed sustainably and democratically for the benefit of all.

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Q: Why do you think there are so few cases of private water supply in the world?
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Why does earth have q liquid water supply and the moon does not?

Earth's liquid water supply is due to its unique position in the habitable zone of the Sun, where temperatures allow for water to exist in its liquid state. The moon lacks significant quantities of liquid water due to its smaller size, weaker gravity, and lack of a substantial atmosphere to retain water molecules.

Why does earth have a liquid water supply and the moon?

Earth has a liquid water supply due to its distance from the sun, its atmosphere, and its geologic activity which helps maintain temperatures suitable for liquid water. The moon lacks these factors, leading to its lack of liquid water supply.

Why do many people think of earths supply of fresh water as a resource that must be pretected?

Fresh water is essential for human survival, agriculture, industry, and ecosystems. However, with increasing pollution, overuse, and climate change, the availability of fresh water is becoming more limited and threatened. Protecting the Earth's supply of fresh water is crucial to ensure its sustainability for current and future generations.

Why does earth have a liquid supply of water and the moon does not?

Earth has a liquid supply of water due to its atmosphere, gravity, and positioning in the habitable zone around the sun. The moon lacks these factors, leading to the absence of a liquid water supply on its surface.

When the demand for water is greater than supply what does that area experience?

When demand for water exceeds supply in an area, it can lead to water scarcity. This can result in water rationing, conflicts over water resources, and impact the ecosystem.

Related questions

Why do you think are so few cases of private water supply in the world?

There are so few cases of private water supply in the world because we have many of these, particularly in large cities. Similarly, if we are living in a city, we would have seen private companies supplying water through tankers or supplying drinking water in sealed bottles. In such cases, private companies provide public facilities but at a price that only some people can afford. Hence, this facility is not available to all at an affordable rate.

Why do you think there are few cases of private water supply in the world?

There are so few cases of private water supply in the world because we have many of these, particularly in large cities. Similarly, if we are living in a city, we would have seen private companies supplying water through tankers or supplying drinking water in sealed bottles. In such cases, private companies provide public facilities but at a price that only some people can afford. Hence, this facility is not available to all at an affordable rate.

What is the most common private water supply?

A drilled well.

Which companies supply water in Northern England?

Northern England's water supply is provided by various private companies that are not listed publicly. They also have a public water supply that provides various parts of the nation.

What has the author Gaurav Dwivedi written?

Gaurav Dwivedi has written: 'Water, private limited' -- subject(s): Economic aspects, Economic aspects of Water-supply, Privatization, Water-supply

What is the city water?

That's water supplied to homes from the pipes and supply system owned by the city, as opposed to having a private well.

Why are private water wells illegal within city limits?

Because in most cases they would drain water directly from a common aquifer, which must be carefully maintained/pumped in order to make sure there is enough water for everyone. Also there is a risk of contamination if people were allowed to drill wells into the public water supply (intentionally or not.)

How is water delivered?

Water is typically delivered to households through a municipal water supply system. This system consists of water treatment plants that clean and purify the water, underground pipes that transport the water to homes, and water meters to monitor usage. In some cases, water may also be delivered through private wells or water tanks.

What percent of the earths water supply is in the ocean?

I think about 97%

What is a way of supply water to an area of land?

i think it is irrigaation

Why does earth have q liquid water supply and the moon does not?

Earth's liquid water supply is due to its unique position in the habitable zone of the Sun, where temperatures allow for water to exist in its liquid state. The moon lacks significant quantities of liquid water due to its smaller size, weaker gravity, and lack of a substantial atmosphere to retain water molecules.

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colony water supply