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Just shove a piece of paper from the opposite sides to the middle and you will see this for yourself. The displaced material has nowhere to go but up.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Folded mountains have jagged peaks because the layers of rock are folded and bent during the tectonic processes that create the mountains. This folding results in fractures and weaknesses along the rock layers, which can lead to erosion and the formation of sharp, jagged peaks over time.

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Q: Why do folded mountains have jagged peaks?
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What kind of force can lead to mountains with sharp jagged peaks?

Tectonic forces, such as plate collisions and movements, can lead to the formation of mountains with sharp, jagged peaks. These forces cause rocks to be uplifted, folded, and faulted, creating the rugged and uneven topography typically seen in mountain ranges. Erosion also plays a role in shaping the sharp features of mountain peaks over time.

What causes some folded mountains to be steep and jagged?

Folded mountains that are steep and jagged are typically formed by intense compression and tectonic forces that result in dramatic folding and faulting of the Earth's crust. The steep and jagged features are a result of the intense deformation and uplift that occurs during the mountain-building process, creating rugged and imposing landscapes. Erosion also plays a role in shaping these mountains by further sculpting the sharp peaks and rugged ridges over time.

Why are some mountains sharp and jagged?

Sharp and jagged mountains are typically formed by processes such as tectonic activity, erosion, and volcanic activity. Tectonic forces can create folded and faulted rock layers that uplift and fracture, resulting in jagged peaks. Erosion, by agents like water, wind, and ice, then further shapes and sharpens these features over time. Volcanic activity can also create sharp peaks through the deposition of hardened lava and volcanic debris.

What type of force can lead to mountains with sharp jagged peaks?

Tectonic forces, such as the collision of tectonic plates or volcanic activity, can lead to the formation of mountains with sharp jagged peaks by thrusting, folding, and uplifting layers of rock. Erosion from natural elements like wind, water, and glaciers can also contribute to the shaping of jagged peaks over time.

Do sharp jagged peaks are characteristic of fault-blocked mountains?

Yes, sharp jagged peaks are characteristic of fault-blocked mountains. Fault-blocked mountains are formed when tectonic forces cause blocks of the Earth's crust to uplift and move along faults, creating steep, rugged terrain with sharp peaks and deep valleys. This distinct topography is a result of the uneven uplift and movement of the crust along fault lines.

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What kind of force can lead to mountains with sharp jagged peaks?

Tectonic forces, such as plate collisions and movements, can lead to the formation of mountains with sharp, jagged peaks. These forces cause rocks to be uplifted, folded, and faulted, creating the rugged and uneven topography typically seen in mountain ranges. Erosion also plays a role in shaping the sharp features of mountain peaks over time.

What causes some folded mountains to be steep and jagged?

Folded mountains that are steep and jagged are typically formed by intense compression and tectonic forces that result in dramatic folding and faulting of the Earth's crust. The steep and jagged features are a result of the intense deformation and uplift that occurs during the mountain-building process, creating rugged and imposing landscapes. Erosion also plays a role in shaping these mountains by further sculpting the sharp peaks and rugged ridges over time.

How can jagged mountains peaks become more rounded?

Jagged mountains peaks become more rounded by the process of weathering. This occurs as wind and rain slowly eat away at the mountain, removing tiny bits of the rocks at a time until the mountains look more rounded than jagged.

How did weathering help to shape the Appalachian Mountains?

Weathering rounded the mountains by breaking down jagged peaks.

Why are some mountains sharp and jagged?

Sharp and jagged mountains are typically formed by processes such as tectonic activity, erosion, and volcanic activity. Tectonic forces can create folded and faulted rock layers that uplift and fracture, resulting in jagged peaks. Erosion, by agents like water, wind, and ice, then further shapes and sharpens these features over time. Volcanic activity can also create sharp peaks through the deposition of hardened lava and volcanic debris.

What type of force can lead to mountains with sharp jagged peaks?

Tectonic forces, such as the collision of tectonic plates or volcanic activity, can lead to the formation of mountains with sharp jagged peaks by thrusting, folding, and uplifting layers of rock. Erosion from natural elements like wind, water, and glaciers can also contribute to the shaping of jagged peaks over time.

Why are young mountains sharp and jagged while the peaks of an old mountains are rounded?

Young mountains have sharp and jagged peaks because they are still being uplifted and eroded, which creates steep slopes and rugged features. Old mountains have rounded peaks due to the prolonged effects of weathering and erosion, which softens and smoothens the once sharp features over time.

Why the Applatiation mountains smooth and rockys are jagged?

The Appalachian Mountains are older and have undergone more erosion, giving them a smoother appearance. The Rocky Mountains are younger and have experienced more uplift and tectonic activity, resulting in their jagged peaks and rugged terrain.

Do sharp jagged peaks are characteristic of fault-blocked mountains?

Yes, sharp jagged peaks are characteristic of fault-blocked mountains. Fault-blocked mountains are formed when tectonic forces cause blocks of the Earth's crust to uplift and move along faults, creating steep, rugged terrain with sharp peaks and deep valleys. This distinct topography is a result of the uneven uplift and movement of the crust along fault lines.

True or false Sharp jagged peaks are characteristic of fault-blocked mountains.?

False. Sharp, jagged peaks are more characteristic of fold mountains, which are formed by the folding of rock layers under pressure. Fault-blocked mountains tend to have more linear ridges and valleys due to the movement of large fault blocks along fault lines.

How did gaciers help change the shape of the Appalachian mountains?

weathering rounded the mountai s by breaking down jagged peaks.