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Calculations of absolute age based on erosion and deposition rates can be inaccurate because these rates can vary significantly over time and across different environments. Additionally, factors such as tectonic activity, climate change, and human interference can also impact erosion and deposition rates, leading to inconsistencies in age estimations. Using multiple dating techniques and considering various factors can help improve the accuracy of age calculations for rocks.

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Q: Why do calculations of absolute age of rocks based on rates of erosion and deposition can be inaccurate?
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Why cant rates of erosion and deposition be used to determine absolute age?

Rates of erosion and deposition can provide relative age information, meaning we can determine which features formed before or after others, but they don't provide precise, absolute ages. This is because the rates of erosion and deposition can vary due to different factors over time, making it difficult to accurately calculate an exact age based solely on these processes.

What are the synonyms for weathering erosion deposition?

Weathering: disintegration, decomposition, deterioration Erosion: abrasion, corrosion, scouring Deposition: accumulation, sedimentation, deposit

Is the processes of erosin and deposition are the same?

No, erosion and deposition are not the same processes. Erosion involves the movement of sediment or soil by wind, water, or ice, while deposition is the laying down of these sediments in a new location. Erosion typically occurs in one location, while deposition takes place in another location.

Are sea caves erosion or deposition?

Delta is deposition beach is deposition canyon is erosion sea cave is erosion sand dune is deposition

Is a desert erosion or deposition?

Desert landscapes can experience both erosion and deposition. Erosion occurs when wind and water remove sediment and rocks, shaping the land, while deposition involves sediment and rocks being deposited in certain areas by wind or water. The balance between erosion and deposition helps create the unique features found in desert environments.

Related questions

How can absolute age based on rates of erosion and deposition be inaccurate?

The absolute age of rock is determined by the amount of radioactive decay, not by the rate of erosion and deposition.

Why cant rates of erosion and deposition be used to determine absolute age?

Rates of erosion and deposition can provide relative age information, meaning we can determine which features formed before or after others, but they don't provide precise, absolute ages. This is because the rates of erosion and deposition can vary due to different factors over time, making it difficult to accurately calculate an exact age based solely on these processes.

What comes first erosion or deposition?

weathering then erosion ,then deposition

What shaped earths surface?

Erosion and deposition shapes the Earth's surface.

What comes first weathering erosion deposition?

weathering then erosion ,then deposition

In what order do deposition weathering and erosion occur?

first the weathering happens which causes an erosion which makes deposition.

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