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Cohesive soils, like clay, exhibit greater strength and stability compared to non-cohesive soils, such as sand. They have a lower permeability which can help in preventing seepage and erosion, making them suitable for foundation construction. Cohesive soils also typically experience less settlement over time, providing a more stable base for structures.

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Q: Why cohesive soil is a better foundation than that of non-cohesive.?
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What is the difference between cohesive and non cohesive soil?

Cohesive soil: A sticky soil, such as clay or silt; its shear strength equals about half its unconfined compressive strength. Non-cohesive soil: loose, sandy material which does not bond together very well. Therefore, cohesive soil is a better foundation than that of non-cohesive.

What is cohesive soil?

Cohesive soil is a type of fine-grained soil that has strong attractive forces between its particles due to its clay content. This results in cohesive soil having good load-bearing capacity and high water retention. However, cohesive soil can become very sticky and difficult to work with when wet.

What you mean by cohesive and non-cohesive soil?

Cohesive soil contains clay particles that stick together due to electrostatic forces, forming cohesive bonds. Non-cohesive soil, on the other hand, lacks clay particles and does not exhibit cohesive properties. The distinction between the two types of soil is important in geotechnical engineering for assessing factors like stability, shear strength, and settlement characteristics.

What is a non cohesive soil?

A non-cohesive soil is a type of soil that lacks cohesive properties, meaning it does not stick together and has low shear strength. This type of soil is typically made up of non-cohesive particles such as sands and gravels, which allows water to flow through easily and does not form stable structures.

Is clay soil cohesive?

Yes, clay soil is cohesive because its small particle size allows for strong molecular bonds to form between particles. This results in the soil sticking together and forming large clumps or blocks.

Related questions

What is the difference between cohesive and non cohesive soil?

Cohesive soil: A sticky soil, such as clay or silt; its shear strength equals about half its unconfined compressive strength. Non-cohesive soil: loose, sandy material which does not bond together very well. Therefore, cohesive soil is a better foundation than that of non-cohesive.

What is cohesive soil?

Cohesive soil is a type of fine-grained soil that has strong attractive forces between its particles due to its clay content. This results in cohesive soil having good load-bearing capacity and high water retention. However, cohesive soil can become very sticky and difficult to work with when wet.

What you mean by cohesive and non-cohesive soil?

Cohesive soil contains clay particles that stick together due to electrostatic forces, forming cohesive bonds. Non-cohesive soil, on the other hand, lacks clay particles and does not exhibit cohesive properties. The distinction between the two types of soil is important in geotechnical engineering for assessing factors like stability, shear strength, and settlement characteristics.

Is sand a cohesive soil?

yes it is.

What is cohasiv soil?

The soil which is passes from 4.75mm I.S sieve is called cohesive soil.

What is a non cohesive soil?

A non-cohesive soil is a type of soil that lacks cohesive properties, meaning it does not stick together and has low shear strength. This type of soil is typically made up of non-cohesive particles such as sands and gravels, which allows water to flow through easily and does not form stable structures.

What are some examples cohesive soils?

Some examples of cohesive soils include clay, silt, and loam. These soils have fine particles that are able to stick together due to their cohesive properties, which can make them prone to retaining water and forming stable structures.

Is clay soil cohesive?

Yes, clay soil is cohesive because its small particle size allows for strong molecular bonds to form between particles. This results in the soil sticking together and forming large clumps or blocks.

Would Granular soil or cohesive soil be greater runoff?

cohesive soil would have more runoff since the water would be less likely to seep past the surface layer. On granular soils, the passage ways are larger and the water can quickly seep into the structure of the soil.

What is the proposal for soil improvement under shallow foundation?

I need to know about soil improvement with respect to soil stress such as adding sand cement or similar higher stress material to get better bearing capacity.

Why build a house on raft instead of foundation?

Its all about the type of soil and the building structure is going to build on it. If the site soil is not the type (i.e; like clay soil, the soil cannot having load bearing capacity etc.,) for constructing big buildings, its better to go for raft foundation. Because, this type of foundation spreads the load of building to overall area and if the foundations are constructing very near by each other means. In that time also, this foundation can be laid.

When was Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion created?

Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion was created in 1992.