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Feldspar is a constituent of igneous rocks, primarily granite, and does not form rock masses alone. Also, although it does weather, very slowly, neither it nor the igneous rocks generally have the solubility of limestone.

Caves do form in granite etc by subaeriel, sea or riverine erosion, but they are generally small, shallow rock-shelters, not conduits as in limestone caves.

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3mo ago

Feldspar is not a rock with strong solubility, so it does not easily dissolve in water which is necessary for the formation of caves. Additionally, feldspar is a relatively hard and resistant mineral, which makes it less likely to erode and create cave-like structures.

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Q: Why are no caves formed in feldspar?
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What are the two features that are formed by underground weathering?

The two features formed by underground weathering are caves and caverns. Caves are natural underground chambers typically formed in limestone, while caverns are larger caves that often have unique formations such as stalactites and stalagmites.

What are the scientists who study caves called?

Scientists who study caves are called speleologists or spelunkers. They investigate the geology, biology, and ecology of caves, as well as the processes that formed them.

What besides acid rain can create a cave?

Caves can also be created by underground water erosion, where water dissolves and carries away rock to form caves in limestone and other soluble bedrock. Additionally, caves can be formed through volcanic activity, such as lava caves formed from flowing lava, or glacier caves created by melting ice in glaciers.

What mineral is formed by the weathering of feldspar and other silicate minerals and is the principle mineral in clay and shale?

Kaolinite is the mineral formed by the weathering of feldspar and other silicate minerals, and it is the principal mineral in clay and shale. It is a type of clay mineral that is commonly found in sedimentary rocks.

How are Erosional caves formed?

Erosional caves are formed when water dissolves and carves through soluble rock formations like limestone, creating passageways and chambers underground. Over time, the continuous flow of water erodes the rock and forms distinctive cave structures. As the water table changes and the rock continues to weather, erosional caves can further evolve and change shape.

Related questions

Can caves be formed in areas of slate?

No. Most caves are formed out of limestone making that false.

How were the wooky caves formed?

Wookies live in trees, not caves.

How was caves formed?

The Maquoketa caves in Iowa were formed through years of natural non-glacial erosion.

What is formed when Quartz and Feldspar are mixed together in nature?

Quartz and feldspar are commonly found together in granite and gneiss.

How is feldspar formed?

. Feldspar is formed throught a process in witch immense heat and pressure over a mperiod of time turns to a mineral. This process usually happens in the mantle. The mineral can also form in natural places, and it makes up 60% of Earths crust. Feldspar can be formed almost anywhere.

How are primary caves formed?


What sandstone contains abundant feldspar?

Arkose is a type of sandstone that contains abundant feldspar, typically in the form of pink or red grains. Feldspar-rich sandstones are formed from the weathering and erosion of granitic rocks, which are rich in feldspar minerals.

How lime- stones caves formed?

Limestone caves are formed through a process called chemical weathering. Rainwater, which is slightly acidic, dissolves the limestone rock over time, creating small cracks. These cracks then widen as more water flows through, eventually forming caves. Additionally, some limestone caves are formed through the erosion of underground rivers.

How are Erosional formed?

Erosional caves are formed by the action of water or wind.

Are limestone in caves?

Other way round! Water and/or air are in caves.:-) Most of the world's caves have formed / are forming in limestone.

What do you call caves made by water?

Karst caves, and it is the majority of caves; formed by acidic ground-water dissolving the limestone.

How caves were formed?

They - or it? - are normal karst caves, formed in limestone by its dissolution by water. I believe they still carry a stream: if so they are still forming.