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Groundnuts, or, as they are most commonly called in the US, peanuts, are grown in ridges to most easily facilitate the harvester. The harvester has to dig them up in a very similar way to potatoes, and so has a similar digging mechanism. The ridges also provide other benefits such as helping to direct excess water which could facilitate disease dvelopment away from the crop.

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∙ 13y ago
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∙ 8mo ago

Groundnuts are grown on ridges to improve drainage and prevent waterlogging of the plants. The ridges elevate the soil where the groundnuts are planted, helping to ensure good aeration for the roots. This practice also helps with weed control and provides easier access for harvesting.

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How much groundnuts required to extract 1 liter of oil?

Depending on the variety, groundnuts may have up towards 50% of oils. Not all of this will be commercially extractable. So, under good conditions, you should be able to extract your litre of oil from 2 - 3 kilograms of groundnuts. Because of their shape factor, probably up to 4 - 5 litres of loose groundnuts.

Does Groundnuts have startch?

Yes, groundnuts (peanuts) contain starch, but the starch content is lower compared to other starchy foods like potatoes or wheat. Groundnuts are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and other nutrients such as fiber and minerals.

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